Works In Progress 2024

Fic that is being updated and not yet complete, throughout the year of 2024.

To The East And To The West - Sören celebrates his five-year transition anniversary by going on an epic road trip across the lower 48 United States [and through part of Canada into Alaska] with his two best friends, Anthony and Mark, who are two trans guys in a relationship. Sören is in love with both of them but doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Little does he know the feeling is mutual, and that the feelings "Mark" has for him aren't the only secret he's keeping. T4T, explicit sex.
Chapters: 17/18
Schedule: Last updated July 4, 2024. Chapter 18 will be posted in August, completing the fic.
here | Ao3

Bedside Manner - After Dr. Anthony Hewlett-Johnson saves their dog's life, Mark and Sören extend their gratitude. But what starts off as a friendship in queer solidarity soon becomes the hope for something more... and the complication of letting someone in on "Mark's" secrets. T4T4T, explicit sex.
Chapters: 7/10
Schedule: Last updated July 9, 2024. Chapters 8-10 are complete and I will be posting one chapter per month, concluding in October.
here | Ao3

Starry Night - Anthony and Sören are about to celebrate their mutual transition anniversary by going on a camping trip together. Now that they're finally getting some alone time, it's the perfect opportunity to confess catching feelings. But will it make things weird?
Chapters: 1/5
Schedule: Last updated July 18, 2024. I intend on finishing this fic by August or September.
here | Ao3

God-Emperor of Liechtenstein - Set in the Corn of Eternity universe. Larry decides to treat himself to a vacation after a major business success. Unfortunately, it is hardly relaxing or enjoyable. Rated M, eventual Dead Dove content.
Chapters: 1/?
Schedule: Last updated June 15, 2024. Chapters will be posted as I have them; I expect to complete this work before the end of 2024.
here | Ao3

Works Completed In 2024

Fic that I have completed within this year thus far.


Healing Hands - In a world of hatred and heartache, Anthony and Sören become a refuge for each other.
25.4k words, 8 chapters. Written in January 2024. Cis on trans, M/M, rated E for [eventual] explicit sex. Tw for antisemitism and transphobia.
here | Ao3

You Give Me Fever - On a bad day, Sören's path crosses with an older gentleman who makes it a lot better. They quickly find some common ground, though they are in many ways also very different. Do they have a chance?
24.8k words, 7 chapters. Written in May-June 2024. T4T, M/M, explicit sex.
here | Ao3


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