Aloha From Paradise

"Aloha. Welcome to Hawaii!"

Sören smiled as the airport greeter put a hibiscus lei around his neck, and Nicholas's. "Mahalo," Nicholas replied.

Sören's smile became a grin. Nicholas had succumbed to the Duolingo bug and he had started taking the Hawaiian course in anticipation of their trip, even though people in Hawaii spoke English. Nicholas also said it was good to learn new things at his age.

It had been a very long journey - their flight from Heathrow to LAX had been eleven hours, they'd had a twelve-hour overnight layover in Los Angeles during which time they'd visited the Walk of Fame in Hollywood before checking into their hotel, and then it was six hours from Los Angeles to Honolulu. Before the flight Sören had seen his doctor to get a PRN for flying anxiety - though he'd flown over the open ocean from Reykjavik to London in 2010, it had been a much shorter flight. Once they were flying over the Pacific, Sören needed to take one of the Xanax he was prescribed and it knocked him out. Nicholas had woken him up when they could see Hawaii from the air, and it was worth waking up for - Sören took pictures from the window of the green tropical islands in the ocean, under perfect blue skies.

It was close to two-thirty PM local time, so they had time to check into their hotel and unwind a little before dinner, where Nicholas had already booked a restaurant reservation; there was enough room for a nap before dinner, but Sören was starting to feel a little more alert, and knew he'd wake up some more after coffee.

After claiming their baggage, a driver was waiting to take them to a car rental. Once they got in the car, Sören texted Anthony. Aloha!

Sören did the math - Honolulu was ten hours behind London and it was after midnight there. Anthony had said to text when they arrived regardless of what time it was, but Sören still felt a twinge of guilt, even though he knew with it being late Saturday night in London, there was a chance Anthony was still awake. Sören waited a few minutes and just as he was about to put his phone in his pocket, the text notification chime went off. It was Anthony.

I'm glad you arrived safe. Enjoy your trip! Send pics.

Sören sent back a heart emoji and then he knew he had to do it to him. Hi Glad You Arrived Safe Enjoy Your Trip Send Pics.

Anthony replied back less than a minute later. Piss off. With a heart emoji.

Since Nicholas had a UK driver's license, even though he did not own a vehicle living in central London, he was allowed to drive in the United States. It was however Nicholas's first experience with driving Stateside and he scowled at the selection of cars. "The steering wheel is on the wrong side," he said.

Sören snorted and patted him. "Just wait until we visit Iceland. It's like that there, too, both the wheel and driving on the other side of the road than in England."

Then Sören realized he'd spoken of it definitively, not an "if" but a "when". He marveled at that as Nicholas worked out details with the dealership. The memory of his final weeks in Iceland would always haunt him, but he was starting to be OK with the idea of going back there to visit... the idea that he was safe with Nicholas...

...or Anthony. Sören swallowed hard, trying not to miss him. Sure enough, as if Anthony knew he was being thought of, all the way across an ocean, Sören's phone went off with a text notification. It was Anthony, sending a picture of Seamus and Snúður, snuggling together.

They're finally friends.

Sören smiled and tugged on Nicholas's sleeve to show him. Nicholas smiled and put an arm around him.

But even though it was good that Anthony was there to take care of the cats, Sören still felt an ache, looking at the brilliant blue sky and the palm trees, breathing in the salt air. He missed Anthony, and part of him wished Anthony was there, even though this was his and Nicholas's anniversary and they should have couple time. He still wished they could bring Anthony if there was a next time...

...the thought of them inviting Anthony into their relationship sent a frisson through Sören. Of course, Sören didn't know if Anthony liked Nicholas that way - he suspected Anthony had the hots for Nicholas, as Anthony had mentioned a fondness for older men, including a "silver fox" in Sweden when he was younger - and Sören didn't know if Nicholas was attracted to Anthony or would even consider such a thing. That sort of relationship couldn't be forced, and Sören knew even if there was a mutual attraction, all three of them sharing each other wouldn't necessarily be easier.

Sören thought about bringing it up to Nicholas, but he thought it would be bad timing now, intruding on their time, just the two of them. He kissed Nicholas's cheek and they leaned on each other on the way to the car.

Nicholas had gone all out for their vacation - he'd rented a suite at the expensive Hilton Hawaiian Village, a resort with a lagoon and botanical gardens where Elvis Presley had once stayed. While it was possible to have an entire vacation without leaving the resort, with its beach and restaurants and places to see exotic wildlife, Sören and Nicholas still wanted to take in other parts of Hawaii, especially the Pacific Ocean. Their one-year anniversary was coming up tomorrow, and while they were sitting in Heathrow waiting to board, Sören looked up things to do on his laptop and had suggested a sunrise hike up the iconic "Stairway to Heaven" for the morning of their anniversary. Nicholas had checked details on his tablet and informed Sören that the hike was both illegal and somewhat dangerous, so they'd compromised on the Lanikai Pillbox Hike instead. Sören was already looking forward to it, but they had many hours to kill before then.

Even though they were interested in seeing Hawaii beyond the resort, Sören was nonetheless impressed with the village as their car pulled in. He let out a low whistle as they got out of the car, looking around at the palm trees and the lagoon with the view of Diamond Head. "Holeeeeee shit," Sören said.

"It gets better," Nicholas said, smiling.

They checked in and wheeled their baggage up to a suite in the exclusive Ali'i Tower with a king bed, chairs, a desk, a flat-screen TV and a small kitchenette, and two lanais with a gorgeous view of the ocean. As soon as Sören set down his luggage, he walked out onto the terrace and breathed in the air, his curls stirring in the breeze. He giggled happily, admiring the view of the bright blue sky and water. Nicholas came out and put an arm around him.

"Thank you so much for this." Sören kissed his cheek.

"I love you, sweetheart." Nicholas took Sören's hand and kissed it.

"I love you." Sören threw his arms around him and kissed him hard. "And I love blue." He giggled again.

"I think you might still be a little high."

"High on life," Sören said, but he knew as a doctor that the Xanax was still in his system.

Staying in the Ali'i gave them access to a pool and whirlpool, and after the long ordeal of travel, a dip sounded delightful. Sören and Nicholas applied sunblock, went to the whirlpool and cuddled in the bubbles, relaxing. Sören looked up at the sky and around at the palm trees and tears came to his eyes.

"Are you all right, darling?"

Sören nodded. He wiped the tears, not wanting to cry in public and disrupt other people's relaxation. "I'm just... happy." Sören smiled through his tears and put Nicholas's hand on his heart. "I love you so much. And I... it's so beautiful here. I know we haven't seen all of Hawaii yet, and this is a manmade resort but it's still so beautiful." Sören's breath caught at the brilliant blue. "I never knew skies could be so... blue."

"Especially with this time of year in London," Nicholas quipped; it was springtime and rainy.

Sören nodded. "A lot of overcast days where I'm from, too."

"I'm glad you're this happy." Nicholas kissed the tip of Sören's nose. "I did hope you would like it here. It looked lovely from all the pictures I'd seen and... you deserve loveliness."

"It's so blue." Sören started giggling again. "Oh shit, I'm high as fuck."

"As you know, one needn't be high to appreciate the vibrancy of color here," Nicholas said. "Truth be told, I was hoping that as an artist, you might feel some inspiration from the trip."

"I do." Sören's eyes met Nicholas's and he thought of the dreams he'd had of a dark-haired brother-lover, with eyes as blue as the Hawaiian skies. Energy like the endless sky and sea, peaceful and intense all at once, going up and up and up to the burning blue stars.

Sören's intense feelings soon mellowed, the whirlpool turning him to happy mush. Cuddling with Nicholas put him in an amorous mood, and when they were back in their suite, Sören began leading Nicholas towards the bed. "Fuck me," he said.

Nicholas chuckled. "Tomorrow. The Xanax needs more time to clear your system."

"Oh, all right." Sören felt he wasn't so high he was incapable of consent, but he respected Nicholas's wishes to make absolutely sure nonetheless.

"We can cuddle some more."

Sören nodded. "I love cuddles."

That was what they did, and Sören was relaxed enough that he ended up going to sleep. A little over an hour later Nicholas gently shook him awake and once he was stirred from his nap, Nicholas began to rain kisses over Sören's face. Sören rubbed noses with him and then groaned at the time.

"I did want us to make our reservation on time," Nicholas said, tousling Sören's hair.

The reservation was at a surf-and-turf restaurant, an open-air beachfront location. Sören was tickled to see Nicholas in aloha attire, something he normally wouldn't wear. They still had their leis from the airport and put them back on to wear them to dinner. They were just in time to watch the sunset as they ate pan-roasted mahi and seared 'ahi. Sören's eyes teared up again watching the blaze over the ocean.

After their meal they took a walk along Waikiki Beach, holding hands. On impulse, Sören took off his shoes and socks and strode into the ocean, going up to his calves, watching the last glimmer of gold in the indigo sky, sparkling on the water. The waves felt cleansing, invigorating. Sören took deep breaths and looked back at Nicholas waiting on the shore, feeling love so fierce it could shatter him. Nicholas finally took off his own socks and shoes and came towards him into the water; Sören opened his arms and pulled his beloved close, and they kissed.

The high tide started to come in and now instead of reaching their calves, their shorts were getting drenched as well. Sören howled and snorted as Nicholas dragged him out of the water, looking mortified.

"As you know, I was not planning on a swim at this hour," Nicholas said, looking down at his wet shorts.

Sören snickered. "It's just a little water."

The fatigue from travel set in again once they got back to the suite. Nicholas set the alarm so they could wake up in the middle of the night to prepare for the sunrise hike. He put on the flat-screen TV and began looking for something they could watch. Sören squeaked when he saw the Disney version of Aladdin was coming on.

"That was one of my favorite movies as a kid," Sören said.

They snuggled together under the sheets and watched the cartoon together. When "A Whole New World" came on, Sören sang to Nicholas in earnest, not wanting this to be their last trip together. He wanted to show Nicholas his home country. He wanted to go to Scotland with Nicholas, as Nicholas had been talking about for some time. Eventually, he wanted to go to Hawaii with both Nicholas and Anthony.

He wanted to see the world with the men he loved. London was his home because the people he loved were there. But there was so much to see and do.

Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky

A whole new world
A hundred thousand things to see
I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be
A whole new world
With new horizons to pursue
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

When the song was over, Nicholas held Sören and kissed the top of his head.

Stay with me. Sören's arms tightened around him. See the world with me. He closed his eyes, not wanting to cry. Never leave me.

Nicholas took Sören's chin in his hand and his thumb stroked Sören's cheek, traced his lips. "As you know, I love you."

"I love you too." Sören gave him a kiss.

Nicholas pulled Sören against his chest and Sören nuzzled the silver pelt. He listened to the beat of the older man's heart - still strong, still so full of life. It soothed him, and as much as Sören loved the movie, he started to fall asleep.

"Fuck. The fucking. Fuck."

Nicholas chuckled as he turned off the alarm. "As you know, you wanted to take a sunrise hike the morning of our anniversary -"

"Jæja, I know. Doesn't mean I like the sound of that alarm clock. Or mornings." Sören managed to smile back at Nicholas. "I hate mornings, but I love you."

"I love you. Happy anniversary, sweetheart." Nicholas kissed the tip of Sören's nose.

Their lips brushed, and parted, and soon the kiss heated, with Sören's hands sliding over Nicholas's furry chest, enjoying the feel of his chest hair. But then Nicholas took Sören's hands away and booped the tip of his nose. "Later," Nicholas promised. "We have to get going soon if we want to catch the sunrise."

They had just enough time for a cup of coffee and to make sure they packed essentials for the hike. The trip to the car in the parking lot was enough of a hike for Sören, who was questioning his sanity at waking up at this hour. But it had indeed been his idea, and the romantic symbolism of ascending peaks and watching the sunrise together on the morning of their one-year anniversary still spoke to him.

On the drive to the neighborhood where the trail began, Sören's phone went off. Sören saw a text from Anthony.

Hi. Thinking of you. Miss you. Love you.

Sören missed Anthony, too. For a brief instant he had the wild thought of him, Nicholas, and Anthony all together, living together, sharing each other, on a vacation much like this one. He swallowed hard and pushed the thought away, not wanting to get his hopes up. He texted Anthony back. I have something to show you.

Anthony replied, Oh do you. A wink emoji.

Sören sent back an eggplant emoji and a stuck-out-tongue emoji, and then No, not that. You'll see. He was going to take some photos of the sunrise.

The hike up the trail was short, taking less than an hour, but also steep, enough that it was as long as Sören could take. It was both heartening and frustrating to see that even with his arthritis, Nicholas had less of a hard time going up the trail than Sören did, with Sören having to pause every so often and catch his breath because of asthma. But Nicholas's encouragement helped. "That's my boy," Nicholas said as Sören kept going after another quick rest stop. He put an arm around Sören and patted him. "You're a good boy, trying for Daddy."

Sören's face lit up and his heart soared. He loved hearing those words.

Then he felt a sharp, bitter ache. His father had died when he was too young to remember, and what little he remembered of his mother, she had spoken of him fondly. His father's sister Katrín was a bitter, mean-spirited hag, but Einar had been even worse. When Sören had asthma attacks growing up, if they were in front of Einar, he would be mocked for it. Sören had ended up in the emergency room once because he was having an asthma attack and Einar had withheld his inhaler, calling him weak, telling him he was just doing it for attention. Nicholas was the father figure Sören had always needed, and while it didn't undo the past, it nonetheless soothed deep hurt places. Sören reached for Nicholas's hand, and squeezed. "I love you, Daddy," he husked.

The "pillboxes" were house-type buildings covered with graffiti, which Nicholas tutted at, but Sören found interesting - street art wasn't always his thing, apart from Banksy, but Sören did think it was a valid form of art, and he studied it as they hiked past, wishing he'd had the foresight to bring something to paint with so he could leave a mark.

Finally they came to the top, just in time for the sun to begin rising. There was a sliver of gold that grew to a blaze of orange cutting through blues and purples, and then the orange was met by magenta, turning the sea violet and green. Sören took pictures, wanting to preserve the moment... and with it, his feeling of awe at the beauty of the world. He had no gods; this was his religion. He thought of the "before time" of his dreams where the seasons never changed and the sky was only silver or gold, and sometimes both, and while the silver-gold skies were marvelous, that world seemed so colorless compared to the reality of this world, in the glory of the dawn. Sören's hair stood on end, his skin breaking out into gooseflesh as the sky and the sea were so vibrant it was as if they had been made of a rainbow.

"Holy fuck," Sören said under his breath, a shiver going through him. "What an anniversary present."

"Indeed." Nicholas gestured to the shifting colors of the sunrise, then stroked Sören's face, twined an errant curl around his finger. "Every morning that I wake up to you feels like this, here." He put his free hand on his heart. "You are my light, Sören. My fire."

Sören grabbed Nicholas and kissed him hard, kissed him like they and the sunrise were the only thing that existed. Sören quivered at the feeling of Nicholas's hands sliding down his back, then reaching to cup and rub his ass, the promise that he would take it later. Nicholas sucked on Sören's lower lip before kissing him back, and Sören moaned into the kiss. There was no one else around, and Sören found himself undoing the buttons of Nicholas's Hawaiian shirt one by one. Nicholas also undid Sören's shirt. They fumbled with each other's shorts, and Sören pushed Nicholas into the grass, climbing over him, leaning in for a kiss as Nicholas's hard cock rubbed against Sören's clit.

It wasn't long before Sören's bottom growth swelled, his clit jutting out like an erect cock, and his thighs were slick. Looking out at the magnificent colors over the Pacific, the beauty and wonder of the moment was a potent aphrodisiac. And Sören wanted to savor the passion with Nicholas just like he was savoring the sunrise. They could fuck later. Here and now they made love, cock teasing clit as they kissed and kissed, hands exploring, caressing. Sören groaned at the erotic sight of their two hard erections together, loving the feel of Nicholas's silken steel teasing his. It was languid and sensual, the perfect way to enjoy this morning in paradise.

At last Sören straddled him and sank down, taking Nicholas's long, thick cock inside him. They moaned together as Nicholas's cock pulsated and Sören's juices dripped down his shaft. Sören began to ride, slowly at first, wanting to make it last, his hands sliding up and down Nicholas's chest, fingers running through Nicholas's silver chest hair. "So fucking sexy," Sören growled, leaning in to lick it, rub his nose in it. He lingered at the nipples, lapping and suckling one while playing with the other, then leaned in to kiss Nicholas, their tongues teasing between kisses. Nicholas leaned up and began to play with one nipple as he suckled the other, pulling a captive bead ring with his teeth before licking more slowly, then sucking hungrily. Nicholas's free hand reached down and his thumb and fingers tugged on Sören's clit like it was a cock, stroking. Sören rode harder, faster, and Nicholas matched his rhythm, rocking his hips, his balls smacking in time with the wet squishing sound of his cock gliding in and out of Sören's drenched cunt.

They got closer, closer, moaning together. Nicholas stopped playing with Sören's nipples and the index finger of his free hand tenderly traced Sören's top surgery scars, then he nuzzled and gave little kisses along them, whispering "My good boy. My good, sweet boy." Then he kissed Sören's neck, before their mouths met. Nicholas squeezed Sören's clit, tugging on it harder, and Sören's breath hitched, trembling, feeling himself right there.

"Oh fuck." Their eyes met. "Daddy."

"Yes, sweetheart." Nicholas's free hand touched Sören's face, pet his curls. "I'm close too. You want to come with Daddy?"

"Fuck, yes..."

Sören held back, the pleasure almost too intense to bear, the deliciously obscene wet suctioning, slapping sound adding to his excitement. At last Nicholas groaned and tensed, and Sören knew he was ready. Their eyes met and they came together; Sören cried out as his clit twitched and his cunt pulsed and throbbed, Nicholas's hot seed shooting inside him. Sören's toes curled as relief radiated through his entire body. The ecstasy heightened the beauty of the sunrise, also hitting its peak with color, now a burning pink-orange-gold in lighter blue.

"I love you," Sören whispered before he kissed Nicholas as hard as he could.

Nicholas moaned into the kiss, then wrapped his arms around Sören, rocking him.

Sören curled up on him, snuggled into his chest, and they watched the sunrise fade, the entire sky washed pale hazy gold before giving way to soft blue. When the show was over they put their clothes back on and looked around - the view was still impressive, and Sören took more photos. Then he took a moment just to breathe, enjoying the salt air.

"This was worth the fucking alarm clock noise," Sören said.

Nicholas laughed. Sören loved making him laugh. "I daresay you're cute when you're grumpy."

"So are you."

"I am not cute."

"Yes, yes you are." Sören kissed Nicholas's nose.

Nicholas put an arm around him and gestured out at the ocean. "See? We didn't have to break our necks or get fined with Stairway to Heaven."

Sören smiled. "We can bring Stairway to Heaven to us." With that, he began to sing the lullaby his mother had sung to him as a small child, the old Led Zeppelin song.

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to Heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to Heaven...

The hike down was not as bad as the hike up, but the steepness of the trail still meant going slowly and carefully. Sören was glad to get back to the hotel, and even more glad to get breakfast.

After breakfast they showered together, and though Sören was usually aroused by that, he was still spent enough from the intense orgasm earlier, and tired from the hike, that the shower made him sleepy instead. Nicholas didn't mind returning to bed for a few extra hours of sleep, and it was cozy to snuggle with him, legs braided as they drifted off.

Sören woke before Nicholas in the afternoon, and watched him sleep for a few minutes, studying his face, adoring him. Then his mischievous side came out and he started to tickle Nicholas's nose and eyebrows. Nicholas woke up with such a stern expression that it made Sören gigglesnort, and then Nicholas got him back by tickling his sides and armpits, making Sören squeal and scream and thrash about. Sören loved the older man's rare playful moments, the warmth under the frosty coolness he showed the world. Nicholas gave a bashful little smile when they calmed down.

"What do you want to do for the rest of our anniversary day, love?" Nicholas asked, looking out at the ocean.

"Maybe we can go to Waikiki Beach and watch the sunset there, this evening? As far as this afternoon goes..." Sören thought a moment. He remembered seeing in the travel brochure the resort had a large pool with water slides. "I wanna go on the water slides, Daddy."

Paradise Pool was huge, boasting long water slides and a large waterfall, surrounded by a landscape of palm trees and tropical shrubbery, and big stones. Sören made happy noises as he ascended the steps to a water slide, and Nicholas watched, chuckling, as Sören slid down into the water, wading over to him.

"How was that?" Nicholas asked, giving him a hug and a kiss.

"That was fun. I wanna do it again."

Nicholas smiled indulgently as Sören waved to him from the top of the water slide. Sören went down again, laughing, feeling like a big kid again. Except that he hadn't been allowed to play much after his mother died, Katrín had not been tolerant of noise or mess. So now he was getting to do the things he couldn't do, and loving it. This, too, was healing. Sören wondered if that was by design, if Nicholas had known about the water slides when he chose this place for their vacation stay.

Sören went down the slide again and again and then he began to tug on Nicholas's arm. "Come on, go down the slide with me."

"Oh dear." Nicholas chuckled.

"Oh don't tell me..." Sören's voice lowered a few octaves. "Shan't." Then Sören's voice returned to its usual pitch. "I mean, I won't force you if you're really not comfortable with it..."

Nicholas took a deep breath. He looked at Sören, then looked at the slide, and back at Sören, and nodded. "Shall."

Sören couldn't believe it. He let out a little squeak as he began pulling Nicholas along to the steps, with Nicholas laughing all the way.

"I do believe this is one of the silliest things I've done in my life," Nicholas remarked as they ascended the steps.

Sören couldn't resist. "It could be worse."

"How could you possibly make this sillier, Sören Sigurðsson."

"Next time I'll wear those pineapple bottoms Anthony got me for Chrismukkah."

Nicholas groaned loudly and chuckled. When nobody was looking, he swatted Sören's ass. Sören wiggled his ass as he continued to climb the steps.

They slid down together. Nicholas actually laughed, and that made Sören ridiculously happy, grinning so hard his face hurt as they splashed down into the water. "I can't believe I did that," Nicholas said, chuckling, shaking his head.

"I can't either." Sören smirked. "See, it's good to take the stick out of your ass once in awhile!"

"I do not have a stick up my -"

"Right, my bad, it's a branch."

Nicholas tweaked Sören's nose. "Brat."

"Takk." Sören looked back up at the slide. "Let's do that again."

Nicholas made a noise, and laughed some more. "Again?"

"Again. Awwww, come onnnnnnn." Sören couldn't resist. "You're awfully cute when you let yourself have fun."

"I am not cute."

"You're even cuter when you pretend that you're not cute."

Nicholas looked so grumpy then that Sören worried for a second he'd crossed a line - and then Nicholas splashed him. Sören spluttered and giggled, overjoyed that Nicholas was once again indulging his playful side. Sören splashed him back and they got into a splash war, until kids swimming by stopped for a minute and one said to the other, "They need a time out."

"Or a Get Along Shirt, like the kind Mom makes us wear."

Sören and Nicholas looked at each other and lost it, and then Sören remembered those dreams again, the way he used to banter with his brothers in a way that others might interpret as hostile, but it was all in fun. Sören sighed, and gave Nicholas a little hug as they made their way back to the slide.

They took another ride down the slide, and when Sören mouthed the word "cute" to him Nicholas started splashing him again. Sören splashed him back fast and furious, and started chasing Nicholas around the pool, the two of them splashing each other and laughing hysterically. When they got to the waterfall Nicholas pulled Sören in with him and kissed him - a gentle, chaste kiss since they were in public, but still tender and sensual.

Once they got in their hotel suite, all of the giddy laughter and that sweet moment under the waterfall got Sören's blood stirring. They quickly undressed and climbed on the bed together. Feverish kisses and petting became a hungry sixty-nine, and before they could come, Sören straddled Nicholas's hips and rode him, holding Nicholas's hands tight. When they got there, Nicholas's arms enfolded him and Sören leaned in for a kiss. One of Nicholas's hands reached to stroke Sören's face, looking into his eyes with such wonder and love that it brought tears to Sören's own. Their foreheads touched and they breathed each other's breath.

"Come, my love," Nicholas husked, reaching down to play with Sören's clit.

Sören came hard, an orgasm so intense that all he could do was gasp and pant, not even able to scream. Nicholas roared like thunder as he climaxed, and they kissed deeply, taking each other's hands again.

They were lightly dozing in the afterglow when there was a knock at the door. Nicholas patted Sören as he climbed out and threw on a robe. Sören watched as Nicholas answered the door, speaking softly, and closed his eyes, sinking back into the coziness. When he heard Nicholas's footfall his eyes opened again, curious, and he gasped at the sight of Nicholas carrying a tropical bouquet of orange hibiscus, deep pink plumeria, and blue ginger - the wild colors of the sunrise they had watched together.

"Yes, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for you." Nicholas handed it to him.

"Oh, Nick." Sören smiled, deeply touched.

Before they left for their sunset walk along the beach, Sören took a hibiscus flower and tucked it in his hair. Nicholas smiled at him. "You're beautiful," Nicholas said.

"So are you." Sören put a hand on his lover's heart. "And all of this." He sighed, happy and grateful.

Nicholas took Sören's camera to take a photo of him in his aloha outfit, curls a couple inches past his shoulders, a lei around his neck and a hibiscus in his hair, smiling. "I always want to remember you this way," Nicholas said, and booped Sören's nose.

Sören pulled him in for a kiss. "I always want to remember you going down the water slide," he teased.

Nicholas laughed and swatted Sören's bottom. "You're a terrible influence."


"And I need it." Nicholas sighed, his eyes soft. "You give me life. Your fire warms these old bones."

"I'm very fond of one of those bones."

"I had no idea. Truly." Nicholas swatted Sören's bottom again. "Let's go, brat."

As the sun set on Waikiki Beach, Sören stripped down - revealing the pineapple-covered bikini bottoms he'd threatened earlier - and waded into the Pacific Ocean. Nicholas took some pictures of Sören in the ridiculous underwear, and Sören enjoying the sea as it turned to liquid fire, the world blazing orange, before the final glory of indigo, fuchsia and violet. Later at the restaurant, as they were waiting for their food in twilight, surrounded by fairy lights and lanterns and tiki torches, Sören got a text from Anthony - the cats woke me up with more cat pictures - and Sören sent back a picture of himself in the pineapple underwear on the beach.

Nice view, Anthony quipped.

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