Back To Nature

It was Father's Day in the US, and though neither Sören nor Nicholas were American - Sören was an Icelander and Nicholas was Québécois - Sören still wanted to do something nice for Nicholas, who was not just his lover but the closest thing he'd ever had to a father figure. Anthony was Sören's other daddy, but more like a cool older brother.

Sören was an artist, and he considered making Nicholas a painting or a piece of pottery, but since he tended to give these things as gifts for birthdays and the holidays, he decided against it. Treating him to a good meal at a fancy restaurant was another option, but Sören knew that restaurants would be busier than usual today because everyone else had the same idea, there would probably be screaming children to ruin the mood, and since Nicholas was a professional chef there was a chance he would find fault with the food.

After mulling it over for a week, Sören had an idea - taking Nicholas on a picnic in a state park, provided the weather was decent. They all enjoyed nature at their house, having a garden and a patch of woods on their property. So the day before Father's Day, Anthony took Sören to the farmer's market for fresh fruit and vegetables to snack on, and then later Sören spent time getting finger foods ready - little sandwich rolls, stuffed mushrooms, fried goat cheese - to go along with it.

That night Sören was on pins, hoping Nicholas would enjoy the outing. Then the day finally arrived and Nicholas was in a jovial mood, and didn't mind the two-and-a-half-hour drive from Portland to Moxie Falls. It was warm and sunny without being too hot, and though the pollen count was a bit higher than Sören would have liked, it was nothing a daytime allergy pill couldn't handle.

Moxie Falls was Maine's biggest waterfall with a ninety-foot drop, and there were smaller swimming holes at the site. The mile hike was pleasant in and of itself, in a lush forest of maple, oak, birch, pine and spruce, spangled with trillium and asters, mosses and lichens. Warblers and sparrows called to them, and at one point they paused to watch hawks circling overhead. There were signs of moose activity in the area, though no moose sightings to be had that day. They did, however, see a raccoon and a couple of red foxes here and there, which was a delight.

The trail was also surprisingly devoid of people today, for it being an early summer weekend and the falls being such a popular spot. Sören was okay with that - he had anxiety with strangers and didn't want to potentially encounter inconsiderate people disturbing the peace... or homophobes. Sören and Nicholas held hands as they strolled, and every now and again Sören leaned on him or Nicholas put an arm around him, fondly tousling Sören's curls.

They heard the rushing water of the falls before they saw it. Though Sören came from a land with many famous, gorgeous waterfalls, Sören wasn't jaded about it - his artist's eye gave him an appreciation for each spot as unique and beautiful in its own way. This was no different. Sören's breath hitched and a frisson went through him as he watched the powerful waterfall gushing down and down and down, endlessly flowing, infinite. And the way Nicholas smiled, eyes crinkling, as he took in the sight of one of nature's wonders was just as beautiful to Sören as the world around them.

"I love you," Nicholas said softly, squeezing Sören's hand.

"I love you, Daddy." Sören leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Happy Father's Day."

Nicholas chuckled, and booped Sören's nose.

The viewing platform was a good place to take off their backpacks and have a picnic. Nicholas rolled out the lightweight fleece blanket and Sören arranged the containers of food and bottles of spring water. They ate and drank in companionable silence, watching the flowing water, listening to the birdsong, feeling the breeze and the warmth of the sun. It was close to perfect, especially when they were finished and spent a few minutes just cuddling in perfect contentment.

"Thank you for this. The food was lovely." Nicholas gave him a kiss. "You're lovely."

Sören smiled and bit his lip, then returned the kiss. "I like making you happy, Daddy."

"You are a source of joy every day, little one."

When they were ready, they got up to stretch. Sören gently persuaded Nicholas to continue on the trail a bit downstream, to one of the swimming holes. The climb to the bottom was a bit tricky and not something Sören could have attempted alone, but they got there. Once they did, Sören immediately began to strip down to his boxers, taking out his packer to sit atop his T-shirt.

Nicholas was still fully clothed, and Sören walked over and took his hands, pulling him closer to the water. "Come on, Daddy, take a swim with me."

"Did you even bring sunblock?"

"Uh, no." Sören shifted his weight from one foot to another, feeling sheepish.

Nicholas reached for his backpack. "It's a good thing I did, then. Wouldn't want you to get sunburnt." Nicholas took out a tube of waterproof sunblock and gestured for Sören to turn around.

The feel of Nicholas's hands caressing him in circles to apply the sunblock made Sören go hard and slick, and his mind began to race with filthy thoughts. Starting with returning the favor once Nicholas was done. "Your turn." Even though Nicholas was olive-complexioned and tanned, while Sören was pale, Sören still thought it was prudent - and an excuse to touch him.

Nicholas turned pink, and Sören realized he probably had some reservations about getting near-naked "in public", despite seeing no human traffic on the trail so far, and despite having lived as male for close to twenty years where a healthy growth of chest and body hair and a muscular physique made him look almost no different from a cis man from the waist up. Sören didn't want him to be uncomfortable, especially not on his special day. "I mean, you don't have to -"

Nicholas pulled off his polo shirt, and neatly folded it before gingerly placing it on the grass. Then he took off his shoes, socks, and khakis, also taking care to fold them. Sören couldn't help snickering at the fastidiousness when they would probably get at least a little bit of dirt and grass stains from the ground, as well as Nicholas carefully tucking his packer under a trouser leg to protect it from the elements. Then Sören could barely string two thoughts together with Nicholas before him in just his briefs... all that delicious, masculine fur.

But first, the sunblock. Sören rubbed it in with trembling hands, breathing harder - even after years together, Nicholas still got him hot. Nicholas seemed to know it too, guiding Sören's hands over his body, then giving him a deep, passionate kiss once he was all coated up.

Sören took Nicholas by the hand and led him to the water. The shock of the cold made Sören gasp, and he had to enter in slowly, but when his body was used to it he waded close to a smaller waterfall, Nicholas following.

They spent awhile relaxing in the water, then Nicholas gave him a piggyback ride around the swimming hole, until Sören's mischievous instincts took over and he splashed Nicholas. Nicholas put him down and got him back, and they had a splash war. It didn't last long - Nicholas grabbed Sören by the toe and tickled him as the other hand splashed mercilessly. Sören spluttered and when Nicholas stopped to see if he was OK, Sören splashed as mightily as he could. Now Nicholas was breathless and Sören was concerned, coming closer... and Nicholas reached out and drew him into a kiss.

One kiss became another, and another. It wasn't long before they were rubbing against each other as they kissed, and Sören cursed the thin fabric of their underwear, wanting to feel skin on skin.

The minute they got to the riverbank, they fell on each other, practically ripping each other's underwear off. Sören tumbled into the grass, naked, pulling Nicholas on top of him. For someone who had been so shy about potential onlookers a short while ago, Nicholas was all unrestrained hunger and need now, and Sören loved it, wanting to give into his most primal desires out here in the forest.

Their bodies were cool and damp, contrasting with the heat of their cunts as their pussy lips kissed and their big, hard clits began rubbing together. Sören lost himself in the silken pleasure, their hips rolling, finding that perfect rhythm of clit caressing clit. It wasn't long before Sören was bucking underneath him, urging him on harder, faster, frenziedly grinding as they clung together, kissing.

"That's my good boy." Nicholas kissed and licked Sören's sensitive neck and shoulder. "Giving yourself like this, so eager and willing..."

"I love you." Sören kissed him hard. "And I love your big dick, Daddy, it feels so good..."

Nicholas grunted with satisfaction and pressed into him more firmly, their cunts making lewd smacking sounds. They kissed again, continuing to rub back and forth, in circles. Nothing else mattered but their clits and lips making love together, teasing until they were both shaking, panting, needing to come but never wanting to stop the luscious stroking.

When they couldn't hold back any longer, Nicholas nibbled Sören's neck and took his hands. "Come with Daddy, little one."

"Daddy!" Sören's voice rang out through the trees, to the sky, gushing like the river flowing beside them as his orgasm pulsed, deep contractions that sent waves of bliss through his entire body. Nicholas came a few seconds later with a deep groan, also gushing, and Sören gave a shuddery gasp, pulsing again at the feel of Nicholas contracting against him, dripping into him. "Oh, Daddy..."

They rubbed noses and Nicholas peppered Sören's face with little kisses. "That's my good boy."

"You're a good daddy." Sören threw his arms around Nicholas, squeezed, and held him tight.

They lay there for a few moments of perfect peace, basking in the sunlight - there were few things more enjoyable in life than the afterglow in such beautiful surroundings. The colors seemed more intense, and Sören captured it with his mind's eye, hoping to paint later as a sort of souvenir for this day.

When they were ready, they sat up, then Nicholas helped Sören up and they walked over to their clothes. Their underwear were still drenched enough from the swim that they decided to not put them on and just "go commando". Sören didn't think anyone would really notice the lack of bulge from the packer.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Nicholas said as they went back on the trail the way they came.

"Doing what?"

"Going around without underwear. It feels so... uncivilized."

Sören grinned. "On the plus side, that gives us easier access to go again."

Nicholas chuckled and facepalmed. "As you know, you've got a one-track mind."

Of course, Nicholas wasn't offended - thinking about their hot, animalistic fuck on the way back to the car got Sören worked up again, and once they were in the parking lot Sören pushed him up against the car and kissed him, and Nicholas kissed him back enthusiastically, seeming to sense and approve of what Sören wanted. After a few fierce, passionate kisses, Sören opened up the back seat and Nicholas got in with a wicked little smile, taking down his pants. This time Sören was on top, riding him, making the car shake as their cunts slapped together, clit fucking clit. Nicholas was undone quickly, making a strangled noise as he climaxed, and Sören had an electrifying orgasm, coming hard as he felt Nicholas contracting, watched his lover in ecstasy.

Nicholas gave into heaving laughter, tearing up. "I can't believe we just had sex in the back of a car. I'm not twenty anymore."

"Hi Not Twenty Anymore -"

Nicholas smacked Sören's ass. Sören giggled and leaned down for a kiss.

"I may be your father figure, but you make me feel young and alive." Nicholas kissed the tip of Sören's nose.

"Does that mean you'll listen to Taylor Swift with me now?"

Nicholas glared. "No. I shan't."

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