Spiced Wine, Part 2: Selective Memory and Untruths

Dreamwidth version here.

After I revealed that I had receipts she was totally hunky-fucking-dory with Chains Of Eternity, Spiced began spinning a different tale. She stopped focusing so much on me "burning Tindómion without permission" and changed the tale to how I'd "used her characters as sex toys" and "wrote them out of character".

So when someone flips the script like this, it should be a big fucking red flag that they're lying, but since it's not obvious enough to some people:

I will repeat, again, that I did nothing involving her OCs without her consent and support. Here's my gallery of the original version of the fic she supposedly had such a problem with, where you can see exactly what was said and her enthusiastic comments [backup mirror], and you can see her leaving friendly comments on other fics as late as October/November 2019. [October 2019 A (backup mirror) | October 2019 B (backup mirror) | November 2019 (backup mirror]

This is not behavior congruent with her being offended that I "used her characters as sex toys" and "wrote them wildly OOC", with her saying all the way into June 2023 I just wrote whatever for "no reason".

...What would Van "never do", exactly? Have consensual sex? Did I not gratuitously mention eyebrows and use different synonyms for purple with his eyes enough in the sex scenes, like your BFF AnnEllspethRaven who pretty much did exactly the same thing I did with shipping her OC with him [except with her it looked rushed and forced, and I thought you said Van was primarily into dudes so why is he banging a female OC and this isn't "wildly OOC"]?

Spiced also goes around telling people that AO3 smacked me for "harassment". Let's clear this up right now: I had an author's note in Blood Sings [formerly Blood Of Eternity] about why I was no longer collaborating with her, which AO3 Abuse said was a callout and Not Allowed. OK fine, mea culpa. I have not mentioned her on site since then.

What Spiced leaves out when she tells people this is I also reported her for harassment due to some callout things she'd said about me on the site and AO3 decided in MY favor on that so she has at least a warning on her account.

Among other accusations, Spiced has accused me of having "sock accounts". I don't have socks; I am too chronically ill and brain-fogged and don't have enough spoons for that shit, and don't even see the point considering kudos/comments are not an indicator of a work's quality. [My highest-kudos'd fic is not even in the top five of my favorites.] As far as using socks as a harassment vector, once again I DO NOT HAVE SPOONS FOR THIS and I have not interacted with her AT ALL since we mutually severed ties in April 2020, as when I burn bridges with someone I tend to completely burn bridges and never contact them again, and I wouldn't want to fuel her "poor me" narrative in any case. I actually asked a close friend of mine not to go on the warpath against her.

However, by her same yardstick of what constitutes a "sock", she has a lot of reader-only accounts who leave kudos on her stuff, her friend AER has even more [MOST of the username kudos on AER's longfic are from this], and AER has some guest comments which use the exact same punctuation conventions and communication style she does.

Since 2020, I have also received a number of harassing comments from obvious throwaway sock accounts that used transphobic language and told me to kill myself. [With that said, I am willing to concede the possibility this might be their friends/supporters rather than them.]

So just saying.

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