Spiced Wine, Part Three: Cyberstalking & Assorted Petty Nonsense

[I have broken this into smaller posts because of the tl;dr, for accessibility reasons. This was largely written in 2021 and some things have changed since then in 2023 - I am not using Sören as my avatar on AO3 currently.]

I put an IP tracker on my Dreamwidth in July 2020 after I found out what Spiced was saying in June, and started to see this (1 2) - as you will note, the IP logged matches the one in the DW comments threads I posted screens of. My roommate was also routinely getting hits on her IP tracker from Spiced, which she will vouch for if asked.

A few days after the September 11th visit, I mentioned the visits on a locked post, and they stopped after being regular for months, which tells me that someone (probably Narya) leaked locked information and told her I'd said something.

Then on November 18th 2020, not long after Narya decided to fling poo and sever ties with me (apparently me being triggered and upset re: being shit-smeared and cyberstalked for months while a pandemic and very stressful election was happening makes me "difficult!" - good to know) I got another Virgin ISP from the United Kingdom that doesn't match anyone on my f'list (and while it's different from Spiced's usual IP it's also one of those phone IP addresses, so I'm willing to bet money who it is, and I only bet on sure things). After I made a note of this on this post in November, my roommate and I started getting visits from a VPN, who coincidentally uses the same browsers Spiced uses, and visits on the same 3-7 day interval. 🤔

(documentation - she continues to do this in 2023. here's a backup mirror in case that link doesn't work)

In May-June 2021 I began collaborating with a couple of friends on fanart, and making more regular updates to my fanart collection on A03. In July 2021, according to reports from friends who check the Silmarillion tag for new stuff to read, Spiced started bumping my fanart collection down the Silm tag by updating hers within an hour, sometimes as soon as 15-20 minutes after I'd updated. The first few times it looked like a coincidence, but this is a consistent pattern of behavior, especially as I update at irregular times (I have N24SWD so when I'm awake varies) and some of those updates have been after 5 PM US Eastern time which is after 10 PM London time, on a weeknight (when most employed people are in bed). Also, a few times I posted more than once in a day, since I was trying to get through a backlog, and she too would update right after I did. But, the updates on my fanart collection are mostly of actual art (with some silly/memey stuff that still took awhile to make) and according to the people observing, hers have been overwhelmingly using apps like Reface, Canva Pro, and My Nostalgia which allows her to create content quickly (I guess, to keep up with me).

To make things even weirder still, much of these "refaces" are of modern takes on characters like FĂ«anor, and when we were friends she used to go on and on about how she hated modern-day stuff (except for mine and Narya's) because the hair wasn't long enough and this and that... so either she's gotten over that and is embracing modern-day wholeheartedly, or her idea of "just for fun" is to play the bump game and this is the fastest and easiest way to do it, being commissions usually take weeks if not months.

(documentation of the bumping - and you'll see she started doing the app stuff on June 30th, chapter 136.)

And she keeps emphasizing how she's doing this "just for fun", "just for her", over and over again (like people didn't get it the first time), which starts to sound like denial of any other motivations.

Now, I actually don't care about being bumped, I don't need to be "me first", so if she thinks this is upsetting me at all, it's not. I'm not saying she can't update, or even daily. It is, however, a very obsessive pattern of behavior to do it right after I've updated, day in and day out (as of August 2021 this is still happening), that's kinda creepy. I'm just saying.

Then, a friend of mine alerted me to the fact that one of her Refaces, posted in late July 2021, was of "FĂ«anor as Jon Snow", where she posted a rather long bit of snark, including calling Kit Harington "a sulky brat" who "needs to get dinged about the ear", and her commission of FĂ«anor is "better-looking".

For those of you who don't already know this, Kit Harington has been my faceclaim for Sören since Sören made his on-screen debut in 2018 (and earlier than that, as an OC I was RP'ing who became Sören), and I write Sören as a human reincarnation of Fëanor. In 2019, while Spiced and I were friends, I commissioned a piece of art from Kaprriss of Sören and Maglor, so she can't say she doesn't know what Sören looks like. (She also commissioned this while we were still friendsing - I might add, a couple of months after the Tindómion scene in Chains that she alleges she had such a problem with.) Furthermore, I've used pictures of Sören as my avatar on A03 (my current one, which I've been using since June, is cropped from this; it's pretty recognizable).

I don't care if she thinks Sören (or Kit H) is ugly, people are entitled to their opinions, it's no skin off my nose. But the commentary expressing a desire to hit KH sounds like a desire to, as a friend put it, "hit me by proxy", since again she knows what Sören looks like and she knows I use him as my avatar.

PS: Spiced knows my mother used to hit me and that I'm also a domestic violence survivor, I've mentioned it on Dreamwidth behind lock while she was on my journal. (There are multiple witnesses.) So that's a particularly low, tasteless remark from her.

But then, same general timeframe, she also killed off a character described as "soft-faced", "bearded" with "a sulky mouth", who drives a blue Audi (my favorite color is blue and she knows this). 🤔 Btw, my politics are far-left, not far-right, sweetie.

And then she did something even worse, but we'll get there.

So anyway, here's documentation of the bump game which is still going into 2023 and now she's got a couple of her friends [who post stuff involving her OCs] to do it too. [Here's a backup mirror of the bump galleries in case anything happens.]

Just sayin'...

December 2024: she's still stalking me; the matching OS here throws any plausible deniability the proxy couldn't be her, out the window.

onto Part Four [tw: discussion of CSA] | return to Silm Fandom Drama index