Maglor was really a man... just one without a penis.
For a long time he'd kept the truth to himself, not wanting to disappoint his father, who doted on the only daughter among six sons. But at last Maglor could keep his silence no more. Whether it grieved his parents or not, he had to be true to himself. The Song demanded the truth of his fëa.
So with anxiety that crackled like a storm, he went to see his father in the forge. As a rule, Fëanor did not want to be interrupted at his work unless it was important - preferably, unless it was an emergency - so when Fëanor saw Maglor enter the forge he knew it was serious indeed.
"Adar," Maglor said, and cleared his throat. "I have something I need to tell you."
Fëanor sat down. "What is it, daughter?"
Maglor braced himself. "That's just it. You have a son, not a daughter. I'm really a man."
There was a long silence. Maglor's heart hammered in his ears. He didn't think his father would lose his temper - Fëanor had a sharp tongue with the rest of the world, but was soft for his spouse and children - but he knew this was a bit of a shock, and more than anything, Maglor craved his acceptance.
And then Fëanor smiled. "Greetings, Really A Man, I'm Adar."
Maglor facepalmed. Of all the ways his father could have responded, he wasn't expecting that. But it could be worse, he knew.
When he took his hand away from his face, Fëanor simply rose from his bench, walked over, and gave Maglor a fierce, tight hug. Maglor leaned against him, relief so strong that he, too, smiled, so hard his face hurt.
Fëanor affectionately tousled Maglor's hair, kissed the top of his head, and then he said, "I'm proud of you. I know that was difficult to do, and it took a lot of courage. But here you are. You are really a man. So be it. Have you decided on a new name?"
Maglor decided turnabout was fair play. "Hi Proud Of You I Know That Was Difficult To Do And It Took A Lot Of Courage But Here You Are You Are Really A Man So Be It Have You Decided On A New Name... I'm Kanafinwë."
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