Frequently Asked Questions

[last updated September 2024]
Read my tone as tired rather than hostile, this is after non-stop fandom bullshit since 2020.

Q: Why did you quit blogging on Dreamwidth?
A: Read this.

Q: Why do you have comments disabled on Ao3 and deviantART?
A: Ongoing targeted harassment, which started in 2020 by Spiced Wine and her friends [that included sock accounts, something they accuse me of but is pure projection], and then in early 2024 other people started doing it unrelated to that because I had announced I was converting to Judaism, and received antisemitic comments on the few works where I had comments enabled. I just really don't have the energy to play whackamole with trolls, so until there's a way to curate comments by approved users only on both platforms, I feel it's better for my mental health to have comments off. Kudos on Ao3 and favorites on dA are still welcome and appreciated.

Q: Where do you stand on the war between Israel and Palestine?
A: Read this, and then stop expecting random Jews to perform discourse for you on the subject, ESPECIALLY if you are neither Jewish nor Arab/Muslim and have no connection to the conflict. We're tired, boss.

Q: I saw you on Reddit and don't like your opinions on [whatever] and I'm going to disengage with your fic/art.
A: I'm not making any money from my creative works, I put everything out there free of charge, so your withdrawal of "support" is basically just virtue signalling but hey, you do you, boo, I don't give a fuck. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. I just share works I made for my own enjoyment and largely have not interacted with fandom since 2020, so whether or not people engage with it, I'm still gonna keep doing my thing.

Q: I miss the days when you used to write plotty fics over 20 chapters/100k words. I miss your canon-era fic. Are you ever going to write any of that again?
A: The short answer is "probably not"; the longer explanation is here.

Q: Are you ever going to stop writing your multiverse? Doesn't it get boring to write the same characters over and over again?
A: Ummm, no? You probably wouldn't ask this of someone who writes traditional fanfic where Steve and Bucky or Dean and Sam are in a bunch of different alternate universe scenarios, right? I plan on writing about the adventures of Maglor, Sören, Anthony and Nicholas finding their way to each other in different universes as long as my health allows.

Q: is it true you're plural/a soulbonder and Maglor, Anthony and Nicholas are in your system? Why don't you talk about it?
A: I said everything I'm going to say about that subject here and that also should explain why I don't discuss it in public, except to say "yes, it's a thing". [Also: I identify as "plural-adjacent" rather than plural because I'm front-locked; our situation is complicated and common plural language like the word "system" is not the best way to describe it. I have accepted the term from other plural people I know without correcting them, but it's nonetheless a word I feel doesn't quite apply here, since we don't share a body/brain.] While I think people who participate in cringe culture are themselves cringe as fuck, and I'm not ashamed of myself, I also feel it's too personal to share specifics, especially knowing it has been and will be a font of mockery for bad faith actors much more than it would help other writers who experience "this character showed up in my head and just hangs around now", when other people have said more eloquent things about it than I. Only a couple people in my life have the privilege of knowing anything about the guys [outside of fiction] and my life with them, and I prefer to keep it that way because it keeps the drama factor way down.

Q: OK, but isn't it like oversharing to be writing smut about them? Creepy...
A: So here's the thing.

1. Literally no one is forcing you to read my fic. It's VERY easy to avoid on Ao3 and my DW archive. If you're hate-reading, and I know some of you are, that's a YOU problem.

2. I don't see how this is fundamentally different from anyone else who writes explicit smut, which [for most people] sharing a fantasy in public. I've known a fair amount of authors who use a canon character as their self-insert because they think writing OCs is cringe [you can often tell because the canon character/s will be OOC]. I also know plenty of other people who use an OC self-insert as a form of self-shipping, like I do. Or they write readerfic as a form of self-shipping [readerfic is not my thing but to each their own]. I... just... really don't understand why you're not going after THOSE people and you're over here snarking at me over it.

3. Have you ever listened to a song about sex? If the singer also wrote it, they're also "oversharing in public". And again, I don't see you making a stink about THAT the way you are with me.

4. This isn't motherfucking Gilead, and it's really disgusting how alleged leftists who claim to care about "social justice" are in bed with conservative fundamentalists re: purity culture. To quote Madonna: "I'm not sorry, it's human nature. I'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me."

Q: Why is your site so plain-looking?
A: Accessibility reasons.

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