The Journey Begins

Maikafinwë Telperinquarion was tired.

Maika, as he was called back home - a long time ago now - was the son of Telperinquar Curufinwion, better known to legend as Celebrimbor, the son of Curufin. Maika was the great-grandson of the infamous Fëanor. Among his mother's people, the Sindar, that was a mighty stain upon him, for the Sindar resented all Noldor and the House of Fëanor especially. As it became clear he would never be accepted no matter how hard he tried to fit in, Maika secretly learned Quenya - the language forbidden among his mother's people, who spoke Sindarin only - and he learned the smithing of both flame and song, a bard and a maker of fine metal goods, in the tradition of his paternal ancestors. Some sought out his talents, even considered tainted as they were by his lineage, while others thought he was a showoff.

One day, as he had been coming back from visiting his mother's relatives, he found his forge had been broken into. He caught the thief just before he could make off with Maika's harp. But it was a setup - in apprehending the bandit and the fight that followed, the constables were summoned and a tale was spun depicting him as the guilty party, even though the rogue had trespassed and then attacked him first. Maika was punished with outlawry, no choice but to leave the realm.

Since then he'd had little time to practice the crafts he loved most, save for brief respites here and there where he would sing to the moon and the stars. As he had been branded a "kinslayer, just like your great-grandfather before you" for raising a blade against the thief who had him falsely charged with attempted murder, Maika decided to lean into that title and became a sellsword, wandering from place to place offering his services as a guard or mercenary, doing violence for a price.

There was blood on his hands, and scars on his soul. He was tired of this life. But there was no going home again. This was his life now. He was good at dealing pain, dealing death, especially to those he could sense deserved it.

Maika was between jobs at the moment - he was on a journey through a long trek of wilderness to the next kingdom, marked on the map he'd bought from an explorer. He had enough lembas to sustain him, and he knew how to find sources of fresh water. He knew how to follow the path of the sun to find his way forward.

And yet, he still felt lost and... unsettled. As he was taking a rest break by a stream, he got the distinct sense that even though he was sure he was following the right path to the next kingdom over, something was still, somehow, wrong. It was almost as if the trees had eyes, and there were no Ents here.

"You fool," he told himself, aloud. "There is nobody else here. Indeed, you've been alone on the trail too long, and it must be driving you mad."

Maika sighed. What he really needed was to clear his head. He decided it was time to take a bath. He quickly set his pack down, unfolded a collapsible bucket to fill with water and herbs for the clothing he'd been wearing, took out a fresh tunic and breeches, and while his soiled clothes soaked, he undressed and waded into the stream. There, he let himself just be. Like all Quendi, whether Sindar, Noldor or something else, Maika felt a spiritual connection with nature, at home in the elements. It recharged him like nothing else. He mentally tuned out, relaxing in the cool water, watching butterflies flit through the trees.

Suddenly, the brush stirred, and out came a man.

But not a Man. This one was not human, but he was not Quendi either, even though he had pointed ears just like Maika did. He also had a beard. Glowing golden eyes. Runic markings on his skin that seemed to transform into new swirling patterns with every step he took.

Maika got out of the stream, not caring that he was now naked, and immediately reached for his dagger. "I will kill you," Maika said.

The other man just laughed, showing pointy teeth. His eyes traveled downward, then up the length of Maika's body, and those golden eyes glittered as he gave a wolfish grin. Maika, despite himself, felt a blush to his cheeks, and his cock stiffened. Still, he stood his ground, dagger in hand. "Do not make me smite you."

The wolf-man's laughter rang out. Then he shook his head. "Any other time and place, I would dare you to try, Elfling. But not here. This forest is full of monstrous creatures who would eat you alive. Don't you know that?"

That explained why it felt here and there like he was being watched, and there was a strange energy in the forest like nothing he'd felt before. Maika swallowed hard and his fingers curled around the dagger. "I am a sellsword," he said, even though he didn't owe this man an explanation. "I kill for a living. I can defend myself."

"No. You can't. Not with... these. The full moon is tonight, and they hunt." The wolf-man bared his teeth. He looked down at Maika's half-erection, gave another smile, and then he folded his arms. "I will guide you away from here, but it's going to cost you."

"Oh really." Maika raised an eyebrow, and wished he hadn't admitted to being a sellsword - this man probably thought he had more coin than he actually did. "Name your price, then."

"I'll think about it." The wolf-man glanced over at Maika's clothes, then back at the elf. "Get dressed."

For awhile, they walked in silence. Maika couldn't help stealing glances at his companion, and admiring the primal, rugged beauty. Over the years Maika had both male and female lovers, Elf and human alike, but this wolf-man was... intriguing. Maika wondered if the man liked what he'd seen in the stream, and wanted to kick himself for thinking those thoughts.

At last Maika broke the ice. "What do they call you?"

"Arsehole. Motherfucker. Cunt." Then the wolf-man smiled. "Oh, you mean my name."

Maika grinned back. "Aye, I mean your name."

"Aiden. And you?"

"Maikafinwë Telperinquarion."

"Macarena That'samouthful. Right then, I'm not bloody calling you all that, you're... Fin."

Maika huffed. "That isn't proper Quenya. You literally just called me 'Hair' in -"

Aiden rolled his eyes and chuckled. "All right, Fin."

Maika realized it was a losing battle, and he said, "I hope it's truly because it's too long to say and not because you judge me for my name. I don't know how much rumors of my family have spread outside..." His voice trailed off. "Doesn't matter anymore."

Aiden snorted. "Don't worry Elfling, I only judge you because your name is long and ridiculous."

Maika wanted to be offended but instead he found the candor refreshing.

Then Aiden cocked his head to one side. "You sound like you have a story."

"Don't we all." Maika shrugged. "I used to tell and sing stories, before I got into... this."

"Well, tell me the song of yourself."

They sat under a tree; Aiden offered a flask of a drink that tasted like wine. It wasn't as fine as the wines Maika had remembered from back home, or what he could buy from a particularly lucrative mission, but it would do. Maika watched the butterflies in the fading sun and let the words come to him. At last he sang:

I was Maika once, in a land of the free,
The son of a smith, my lineage of steel,
With the blood of Fëanor flowing in me,
A curse and a gift I could not conceal.

In the halls of my mother's, the Sindar did scorn,
For my father was Noldor, and they saw me as bane.
So I learned in the shadows, and silently sworn,
To craft and to sing, though my heart bore the stain.

I’m the kinslayer, they call me,
A blade raised in the name of fate.
I’ll craft your death or your memory,
For a price, it’s never too late.
But I’m tired of this road, and the blood that I’ve sold,
Yet there’s no place for a heart that’s turned cold.

The forge was my solace, the songs in the night,
Where fire and metal, they danced in my hands.
But fate had a trick, and it bound me in spite,
A thief and a lie, and I was cast from the lands.

The constables came, and their tale was spun,
That I was the rogue with the blade in the dark.
They called me a killer, my deeds were undone,
So I fled, and I wandered, like ash to the spark.

I’m the kinslayer, they call me,
A blade raised in the name of fate.
I’ll craft your death or your memory,
For a price, it’s never too late.
But I’m tired of this road, and the blood that I’ve sold,
Yet there’s no place for a heart that’s turned cold.

Now I deal in steel and sorrow,
A mercenary for hire, no trust to be found.
My hands are stained, my soul’s hollow,
But there's a song I remember from days long unbound.

Under the moon, with the stars in my gaze,
I whisper to them of a life I have lost.
A tale of a smith, now lost in the haze,
Of a man who was broken and counted the cost.

I’m the kinslayer, they call me,
A blade raised in the name of fate.
I’ll craft your death or your memory,
For a price, it’s never too late.
But I’m tired of this road, and the blood that I’ve sold,
Yet there’s no place for a heart that’s turned cold.

So if you meet me on the road, friend, beware,
I’ll guard your back, and I’ll deal out your fight.
But the fire in my heart has long since turned air,
For I am now a mere shadow in the night.

There was a long, uncomfortable silence. The pit of Maika's stomach rose and turned to ice, fearing that Aiden hated the song... or him. He didn't know why he cared, since this wolf-man was only helping him pass through the forest in safety for some sort of payment. But he did, staring down at his shoes and the ground.

Then Aiden put a hand on his shoulder, strong and reassuring. He passed the flask over again. "We should make camp before it gets dark, before the moon rises," Aiden said. "I need to do a warding spell, and that takes time."

"Can I watch?"

Aiden smirked. "If it pleases you."

Maika's mind immediately went to filthy places, and he then chastised himself as his mind gave him a series of images about Aiden sucking and fucking others that he didn't need. But Maika kept those thoughts to himself, and soon his full attention was on Aiden weaving magic over their encampment, an intricate webbing of glowing runes that spread out like a net, burning brighter until he had to shield his eyes, and then they shimmered away - yet even though he could no longer see them, he definitely felt... something.

Or that could be the wine.

Maika offered some of his lembas, which Aiden agreed to try. "This is shite," Aiden told him. "Wait here."

Aiden unrolled his pack and brought out smoked meat, which did indeed taste better than Maika's lembas, though a few bites in, Maika became concerned, remembering he was with a wolf. "What... sort of meat is this? Is this Elf meat? Or Man meat -"

Aiden almost choked on his wine, and then Maika realized what he'd said and gave into a most undignified fit of laughter, snorting. Aiden's golden eyes sparkled and he tousled Maika's short silver hair. "You're cute, Elfling."

"I. Am. Not. Cute. I am fire. I am death."

"You're bloody cute." Aiden grinned. "And no, for the record, it's venison. I don't eat Elf." Aiden's eyes raked over Maika. "Unless you ask politely."

Maika's cheeks burned - he was fire, all right, his entire body was aflame - and he couldn't even make words, only a sound like "meep."

Maika nibbled at the smoked meat. He had been eating lembas for too many days, and the memory of his favorite foods came back to him. "I could go for a pineapple."

Then in an impulse of mischief, he decided to show a little magic of his own, after watching the show Aiden put on with the wards. Maika snapped his fingers, and after a small storm of glittering dust, a little pineapple being began to dance. Aiden gave a little howling laugh of appreciation, then he waved his hands and in another burst of glitter, the dancing pineapple was joined by a group of gremlins, shaking their behinds. Maika laughed so hard he almost fell over, and Aiden steadied him... and let Maika lean on him for awhile. It felt so good to laugh, and even better to feel the weight and shape and warmth of another body.

They sat watching the moon rise - in the distance, Maika heard howling and keening, but it was far enough away from their camp that it seemed the wards were holding steady. They drank more wine, and Maika entertained his companion with more songs... the first time he'd performed for anyone in a long time. Too long.

"Your voice is beautiful," Aiden said, his voice rough, eyes glittering again.

"Thank you." Maika gave a small bow. Then he reached for his dagger, playfully. "Call it cute and it will be you who needs protection."

Aiden grinned. He looked at the dagger and back up at Maika. "You made that, didn't you?"


"It's fine work. Gorgeous." Aiden's finger ran over it, accidentally brushing Maika's fingers, sending another surge of flame down Maika's spine. "It's cute." Aiden winked.

"Piss off," Maika said, not unkindly, smiling.

"I see the prim and proper Elfling has some teeth after all."

Maika's nostrils flared, even as he found himself secretly enjoying being called Elfling. "I have killed a few too many people to be called prim and proper -"

"I'll believe it when I see it, Elfling." Aiden gestured to the dagger. "Anyway... the dagger caught my eye when you threatened me. I was going to ask for that as my price."

The wine was starting to dissolve all of Maika's filters. "And here I was hoping it would be me."

There was another long pause, and Maika worried for an instant he'd said the wrong thing. Then Aiden's arms reached out and he pulled Maika into a deep, hungry kiss.

Maika kissed Aiden back feverishly. It had been too long since he'd last lain with another, but even if it hadn't been so long, there was something about Aiden. A spark between them, dancing like the embers of their campfire.

The dagger fell out of Maika's hand to the ground as Aiden grabbed Maika by the wrists, pinned him to the ground, and gave him a wolfish grin before he tugged on Maika's tunic with his teeth and rent it. Maika gasped, his cock throbbing. He almost came untouched as Aiden growled, nuzzling the hard bulge in Maika's breeches before his teeth tore those, too, freeing Maika's cock, standing at attention. Then Aiden worked his way up, kissing and nibbling at Maika's thighs and torso, kissing and licking Maika's sensitive neck, giving another growl and a nip where the neck and shoulder met before claiming Maika's mouth again. When Aiden let go of Maika's wrists, Maika grabbed him by the hair and pulled him down into another kiss, then began undoing Aiden's tunic and breeches with shaking hands.

Once they were both naked, they looked into each other's eyes - fireflies were dancing around them, seeming to mirror the rising passion. Aiden pressed a tender kiss to Maika's forehead, then nuzzled him, and Maika nuzzled him back before they exchanged a soft, sweet kiss that led to a scorching, fierce one.

"If I claim you, you won't have to pay me to protect you." Aiden's lips grazed Maika's jaw, his neck. "The creatures of this forest will know you're off-limits."

"Claim me? As your... your mate?"

"Aye. You wouldn't have to sell your sword again."

Maika couldn't resist going there. "You can have my sword."

Aiden smiled and responded by kissing him so hard it took Maika's breath away. Maika's nails dug into Aiden's back, wanting to be claimed, conquered, ravaged. He knew he didn't entirely understand what he was getting into, trading one life for another. But it was worth the risk.

Their hard cocks pressed together, and Aiden began to rock his hips, rubbing against him. Maika kissed him again and again and arched up to him, rolling his hips, running his hands over every inch of Aiden's skin he could reach, as cock teased cock. Aiden kissed, licked, and nibbled Maika's neck, growling, and Maika almost came, his nails raking Aiden's back as he gave a shuddery gasp.

"Fuck me," Maika begged.

Aiden growled again, glancing over at their packs, and kissed Maika roughly. "Hold on," he said.

Maika enjoyed the view of Aiden's back and ass as Aiden walked over to his belongings and came back with a bottle of oil. "Now, where was I." Aiden climbed atop him and Maika pulled him down into a kiss. As they kissed and their cocks resumed rubbing together, Aiden fumbled with opening a small glass bottle and a moment later, Maika felt a slick finger push inside him. Maika whimpered, feeling absolutely shameless in his need.

One finger became two, relaxing and preparing him... driving him mad with lust and sensation. While Aiden worked his fingers inside Maika, his other hand took both their cocks in his fist, working them up and down. Maika looked down at the sight of their precum flowing and once again almost lost control, making a desperate little noise. Aiden laughed, kissed him, and purred, "Patience, Elfling."

When Maika was almost sobbing, begging "please, please" and trembling, Aiden finally worked his way inside, inch by inch, Maika's legs around his waist. Aiden kept a hand on Maika's cock and the other wandered over Maika's chest and stomach, fingers walking, brushing. Aiden went back and forth between claiming Maika's mouth and his neck, every kiss stoking the fire hotter, while Aiden's long, thick cock hit that spot inside him over and over again. Maika's arms tightened around his lover, nails in his wolf's skin, panting, his breath in shuddery gasps.

Every time Aiden bit Maika's neck, it was that much harder to keep control - Maika wanted to last as long as he could, savoring every moment of their bodies together. And with each bite, Maika felt more under Aiden's power, surrendering... trusting.

It had been a long time since Maika had trusted anyone like this. His wolf could kill him, and instead was pleasing him. "So fucking good," Maika gasped.

Aiden gave a growl of approval, nibbling the sweet hollow where neck met shoulder. "Good boy."

Maika lost it a little, cock throbbing, but not a full orgasm. His nails clawed at Aiden's back as he responded with, "Daddy."

Aiden's eyes widened and he stopped thrusting, and for the briefest instant Maika worried he'd said the wrong thing, then Aiden kissed him hard, propped Maika's legs on his shoulders and let the Elf have it, thrusting harder, faster, tightening his grip on Maika's cock. "That's my boy."

"Oh, fuck, Daddy." Maika bit his lip and groaned.

When Maika was close to the point of no return, quivering, panting, Aiden let go of Maika's cock and grabbed his wrists, kissing and licking his neck. "Daddy," Maika moaned, ready to come, trying to hold back just a little more, keep feeling him...

"Come for me, boy."

"DADDY!" Maika's back arched and he gave a wordless cry as his cock spurted over Aiden's stomach and his own. Two thrusts later Aiden bit Maika's neck, hard, as he spent inside his Elf with a deep, satisfied growl.

"Good boy," Aiden whispered, raining kisses over Maika's face. "Good, good boy."

Maika could have died from one of the most intense orgasms of his life, but instead his body craved more, once a few surprisingly sweet, tender kisses became more passionate. Aiden laughed at Maika's cock rising back to life. "What do we have here?" Aiden asked, running his index finger over it.

"I don't know," Maika teased with a smirk.

Aiden kissed him, then he growled and rolled Maika onto his stomach. Maika wantonly put his face down and his ass up... then looked over his shoulder and playfully shook his ass. Aiden growled and smacked Maika's left ass cheek, then his right, and Maika watched over his shoulder as Aiden took himself back in hand, applying more oil.

Aiden knelt behind him, grabbed Maika's hips and took the Elf from behind, wild and furious, their hips slapping together. Maika grabbed fistfuls of grass, panting, hearing himself cry out "yes Daddy, oh fuck your cock is so good, Daddy, you fuck me so good..."

Aiden growled. "Love hearing my Elfling lose those refined manners." He smacked Maika's ass again.

"Daddy-y-y-y..." Maika whined and bit his lip.

When Maika was right there, he couldn't make words at all, only ragged guttural noises. One of Aiden's hands grabbed what he could of Maika's short silver hair, and the other slapped Maika's ass over and over. The stinging pain transmuted to pleasure, making each thrust more intense until Maika was a sobbing, growling wreck. And then at last, Aiden gritted out, "Come for Daddy."

"DADDY!" Maika's voice rang into the sky as he came again, spending into the grass, looking up at the stars and the moon, and for a moment everything was pure shining light as he felt the rush of relief and bliss cascade over him.

Aiden spilled in him again, and sank down, his chest on Maika's back. He reached around, his arms encircling Maika as he kissed and nuzzled Maika's neck. "My boy. My good, good boy."

Maika put a hand over Aiden's hand, turned his face, and rubbed noses. "Thank you, Daddy."

After awhile they cuddled side by side, Aiden holding him and petting his hair, smiling fondly. Maika smiled back, and sighed with contentment. He drifted off, and when he woke up again sometime in the middle of the night, Aiden kissed his forehead and nuzzled him, which led to kissing his mouth and his neck... and more kisses. They both hardened right up again and this time, Aiden lay on his back and Maika straddled him, riding his cock.

He felt insatiable, and wondered if this was part of the package of being claimed. He certainly wasn't complaining about it. He felt alive again.

When dawn broke, Maika drifted off for another nap in Aiden's arms, their legs entwined. But before he could sleep too deeply, Maika felt something poking at his nose. It felt like a sharp, pointy stick.

Maika's eyes opened and so did Aiden's. Standing by them was a gnome, clad in severe black robes, wielding a dark staff that emitted a cold, deep violet energy. "HEY!" the gnome shouted. "YOU SUMMONED MY GREMLINS! THEY DON'T BELONG TO YOU, FUCKER!" He began to poke Aiden's ear.

Aiden growled and swatted at the gnome, and the gnome responded by casting a ball of dark magic. Aiden grabbed Maika and rolled them out of the way, and the ball landed beside them, opening up a hole of pulsing, spiralling dark sorcery that seemed like the ground would devour them.

"Let's get out of here," Aiden said, grabbing Maika and shoving him ahead.

They scrambled to pick up what they could of their belongings before the gnome threw another ball of Void magic at them. They made their way into a clearing, quickly got dressed, and then the ground shook, toppling them both; Aiden covered Maika and rolled them into a brush just in time to avoid another blast.

Aiden pulled Maika back to his feet. "Run faster. We have to get out of here. Now."

Maika shot back, "The big bad wolf is afraid of a little gnome?"

"That's not just any gnome. That's Grovomil."

"What in the Hells is a Grovomil."

Aiden gave a small growl of frustration that made Maika's body tingle, spent as it was, and Maika told himself, Not now. Aiden snarled, "Fuck it, I'll explain later who and what he is. Right now, short version: he's powerful enough to have broken my wards, and he could kill us. We have to get out of here." He grabbed Maika by the hand and they began running through the woods.

When the blasts came fewer and farther between, they stopped to rest, catching their breath. Then the ground shook again - Grovomil was catching up.

Before they could tear off into another run, out of the corner of Maika's eye he spotted something shiny. Laying on the forest floor was an orb, an iridescent crystal sphere with a glowing aura. Maika gasped - he had heard rumors that some of the palantiri his great-grandfather had made had traveled to other parts of the world, as the Noldor had exiled from Valinor to Middle-Earth and from there, some of Noldor blood had made their way elsewhere. Could this be one of the palantir? Was this his destiny, to find and reclaim the work of his ancestor?

Whatever it was, Maika got the sense it could help them against Grovomil. He let go of Aiden's hand - realizing he'd been holding it without thinking - and walked over to the orb. Aiden followed close behind.

"What are you doing, you arse?" Aiden asked.

Maika shot him a look. "Saving us." With that, he picked up the orb.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Aiden put his hands on the orb, trying to take it out of Maika's hands.

And then, just like that, it felt like the sky itself had swallowed them, and Maika felt like he was flying - or more accurately, being hurled through space and time. "OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT," Maika yelled.

"It's about time I heard you swear when you're sober and not being railed, Elfling," Aiden snarked.

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