Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time: Chapter 30

After five days in Iceland, Dooku returned to the United Kingdom - on the same return flight as Frankie. While not originally seated together on the roster, they managed to convince other passengers to trade places so they could sit together. The assumption was made that Frankie was Dooku's daughter, and he didn't mind that so much in her case.

"I have two adopted children. Not legally, but they both regard me as their father," Dooku said, thinking of Qui and Leja.

"I don't know my da," Frankie said.

He patted her knee. "Well, now I have a third, I suppose."

Frankie threw her arms around his neck and squeezed, and then gave him a noogie.

On the flight back to London, they talked about Sören and Margrét. Like Dooku, Frankie would be tying up loose ends in the UK, packing and shipping what she could of her belongings, as Margrét had asked her to move in, and Frankie could work at her bar if she wanted to. Frankie felt somewhat guilty about having to break the news to her aunt, who would have to find a replacement for her at the coffee shop, but it was also always understood between them that if Frankie found a better job she was welcome to quit and work elsewhere. After the first feverish night of reunion where Dooku and Sören just made love, Dooku had finally told Sören he'd brought Frankie to Iceland to work things out with Margrét, and Margrét brought Frankie to visit Akureyri towards the end of that week. Sören was thrilled to see his best friend again, and even more thrilled to know Frankie would be moving to Iceland. Frankie had already fallen in love with the country, especially after Margrét showed her the Punk Rock Museum in Reykjavik.

Once back in London, Dooku bought another one-way ticket for himself in two weeks' time. Then he set about the business of putting in his retirement notice and cashing out his pension, cancelling his rental agreement, and deciding what he'd pack to have shipped to Iceland and what he'd part with. Being that Sören lived in a small cabin in Iceland that was already furnished, he was going to have to part with most of the rest of what he had, and only ship things like clothes and various personal affects - including the paintings by Sören that he'd been keeping in a closet and hadn't rehung since he took them down in his old place in Bermondsey. If there wasn't room for them to be hung up at the cabin, they could at least be displayed at Logifugl Listaskóli.

More difficult than going through his possessions was breaking the news. He felt somewhat guilty about going to Iceland when Leja was still in emotional upheaval about Kylo stabbing Hans. And he also felt guilty when he'd only just reconciled with Qui months ago.

His first meeting with his chosen family was with Leja. He stopped at the house she shared with Hans, and had dinner with both of them. Hans seemed in somewhat better spirits than when he initially woke up in the hospital, though Dooku wondered how much of that was a front for company's sake. After dinner Hans gave Dooku and Leja some time alone, going off to his "man cave" to play a video game, and Dooku and Leja sat in her living room with tea.

"I feel like I'm abandoning you," Dooku said.

"You're not," Leja said. "It's not like Hans and I can't afford to travel, and I imagine you might convince Sören to at least visit London with you once in awhile, as a vacation." Leja ran a hand through her hair. "To be honest, after the media circus that's been following us around after the stabbing, Hans and I have been thinking about getting out of here for awhile. Maybe even getting a summer home in Iceland. And I haven't seen my brother in ages."

Dooku nodded. "A change of scenery might do both of you some good."

"Especially Hans. I'm hoping that Iceland might provide the right kind of romantic atmosphere to help him be comfortable enough with... uh, you know."

Dooku laughed. "I know."

Then there was the talk with Qui, having dinner at Qui and Obi's one last time.

"You're absolutely sure about this?" Qui asked.

Dooku nodded. "Sören told me to think about it, and make sure I was really sure. But I feel like most of the problems I've had in my life have been a direct result of overthinking everything - including and especially the time Sören and I were apart. Logic would dictate this is a non-trivial move, decided on impulse, and maybe I should take more time to think, maybe not go through with this at all. But my heart tells me this is right. This is what I need."

Qui patted Dooku's shoulder. "Then I support it."

"I will say what I said to Leja - I feel somewhat guilty, like I'm abandoning you."

Qui shook his head. "I would feel guilty if you thought you needed to stay here for my sake, and not go be with the man you love. It's not like we can't e-mail or talk over Skype, and... well, I can finally convince Obi to go on vacation once in awhile. I've always wanted to see Iceland. I've only ever seen pictures of it and it's breathtaking, it seems like a place where the Living Force would be very strong. So in a way you're doing us a favor, giving me an excuse to drag Obi along with me to see you once or twice a year."

The hardest part of the two weeks in London wasn't packing and donating or selling the rest of his belongings, or even announcing the move to Leja and Qui. It was being apart from Sören, himself. They talked every night via Skype - more than once, it led to masturbating together, which was a new experience for him; watching Sören play with a dildo led to an especially intense orgasm. But it wasn't the same as physically being there, and Dooku could tell that Sören had some fears that he'd been overthinking the move and would change his mind and stay in London after all.

The big day came, feeling like it took two months instead of two weeks. Qui drove Dooku to Heathrow, since Dooku had at that point sold his Jaguar. They arrived early enough to grab a bite to eat together, and then held each other for awhile before Dooku departed to his gate.

Qui put his hands on Dooku's shoulders. "I'm proud of you," he said.

"If I've never said this before," Dooku said, "I'm also proud of you. I know that years ago, when you decided not to go through with completing law school and went into veterinary medicine instead, I gave you something of a hard time. It's become one of my biggest regrets. I completely understand now why you did what you did... what you needed to do. I wish I had learned from your example, but it's helped guide me now."

Qui hugged Dooku again. "Get out of here before I flood the airport with crying."

Sören was waiting at the airport in Reykjavik. When they saw each other they just stood there for a moment - as if Sören couldn't believe this was real and really happening - and then Sören ran to him. Dooku picked him up and kissed him right there in front of everyone.

Halfway through the drive up to Akureyri, Sören pulled the jeep over, dragged Dooku out, and they fucked right there on the ground like two animals in heat, Sören on all fours, Dooku taking him from behind. Sören shot his cum onto the jeep, and made remarks once they got back in the jeep about how they'd christened it.

When they finally arrived at the cabin in Svalbarðseyri, they started undressing as soon as they got inside. Sören rode him, more slowly this time, and as they got closer to the edge, Dooku rolled Sören onto his back and slowed down even more. Sören wrapped his arms around him and they kissed deeply. The slow, sweet fuck was just what they needed, and it brought tears to their eyes, kissing each other's tears as their hips rolled together.

But at last the sensation built up into urgency once more. Dooku fucked harder and then more slowly, edging them again and again, until Sören whimpered, "Nico, please."

"Please what, darling?"

"Make me come," Sören panted. "Come with me." He kissed Dooku and whispered, "Touch the Force with me."

They took each other's hands as they climaxed together, squeezing each other's hands with each pulse of their orgasm. It was like being bathed in fire, and then drifting on clouds, basking in the glory of the eternal sun. They both wept again, shattered by their release, and said "I love you" between hungry kisses, deep kisses, like kissing each other's souls.

When they'd been finished for awhile and were laying there in the afterglow, legs entwined, Sören's head in Dooku's chest as he pet and stroked him, Sören broke the silence. "I was afraid you wouldn't come back," Sören said.

"I know," Dooku said.

"I know I told you to think about it, and I hope you did. But I worried that you'd... think too much. That you'd come to the same conclusion you did in February."

Dooku sighed. He sat up, and pulled Sören up with him. He put his hands on Sören's shoulders. "I wish there was something I could say or do, to prove to you that I'm not going to do that to you again. It was the biggest mistake of my life, and I learned my lesson. I don't want you to always be afraid that I'm going to abandon you." He stroked Sören's cheek and beard.

Sören took a moment, weighing his response. Then he sighed and said, "Well, there is one thing."

Dooku waited. He watched as Sören used the Force to open the bedtable drawer. Out came the snake Willy Warmer that Sören had bought as a gag gift back in November.

"I know you're supposed to do this with a ring, but this is the closest thing I have to that at the moment." Sören smirked and held out the Willy Warmer. "Will you marry me?"

Dooku's jaw dropped. "You're proposing to me with... that."


"That is... the most you... thing... you've ever done."

"Are you going to answer the fucking question or not?"

Dooku started laughing, and the mock-irate look on Sören's face made him laugh even more. He nodded and said simply, "Yes."

They slipped it onto Dooku's spent cock together, laughing until they wheezed and teared up.




On Saturday, September 22nd, the fall equinox, Dagnýr and Matt were married in Reykjavik - Canadians could legally marry in other countries, and Dagnýr and Matt had decided that was where they wanted the ceremony performed, with a honeymoon in Iceland.

That wedding was a double wedding. Sören and Dooku also took their vows to each other in the same ceremony.

In addition to Margrét, Frankie and Ari as wedding guests, Leja, Hans, Qui and Obi had come out to attend the wedding. Qui and Obi lamented having to be away from their cats for two weeks - they'd hired a cat sitter to stay at their house, and just before the ceremony Qui helped Dooku relax by showing him video footage from the sitter of the cats at play.

Though the wedding wasn't exactly traditional, Sören still carried a bouquet of flowers, tossing it at the end. Some of the unmarried members of his art school rushed to catch it, but it landed in Frankie's hands, who laughed and blushed.

Margrét cleared her throat loudly, calling attention to herself, and everyone watched as Margrét walked over to her girlfriend and got on her knees, pulling out a small box. There was a diamond ring inside. "Marry me?"

Frankie screamed so loud it was a wonder nobody called the police. She threw her arms around Margrét's neck and Margrét picked her up and they kissed again and again, as Margrét slipped the ring onto Frankie's left ring finger.

Leja was the first to congratulate them. She and Margrét exchanged a passionate kiss, which turned into Leja, Margrét and Frankie taking turns kissing, and Hans finally announced loudly, "I think I'm interested in sex again."

Leja gave him a wicked grin. "Good, my evil plan is working."

Dooku decided payback was in order. "Hi interested in sex again, I'm -"

"Get out," Hans joked.

"Yes, I think we will get out," Dooku said. He turned to Sören and they kissed. "Shall we get back to our hotel room?"

Their first act as a newly married couple was to soak in the hotel room's hot tub together, drinking champagne. Eventually, cuddling turned to kissing, then more feverish necking and groping. They got out of the hot tub and kissed all the way to their bed.

Dooku lay on his back and Sören worshiped his body, kissing and licking him all over, at last rimming him, bringing him close to climax just from the exquisite work of his tongue. Before Dooku could come from Sören's tongue, he took Sören's hand and whispered, "Please."

Sören stopped licking and looked up at him.

"I want to feel you."

Sören teased him by sucking his cock slowly, licking with slow, deliberate strokes of his tongue as he worked slick fingers inside him, one, then two, then three. When Dooku was ready, Sören came up, kissing him with his tongue soaked with precum as he pushed inside, slowly. Dooku breathed through the burn - he was still so tight - and then Sören was all the way in, and everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.

Sören fucked him slowly, gently, sweetly. They kissed and kissed, nuzzled, hands roaming over each other, lost in a haze of sensuality that they never wanted to end.

Sören put his hand on Dooku's heart and kissed along his jaw, nuzzling his beard. "I love you, my husband."

"Mmmmm." Dooku kissed him hard. "I love it when you call me that."

"Mmmmmmm." Sören kissed him back. "Já, my husband likes that?"

"Yes." Dooku didn't quite understand why that was adding to his arousal, but it was.

Sören played it up for all it was worth, fucking him a little harder, saying things like "My husband has such a hot arse," and "I love fucking my husband" and "I want to make my husband come so fucking hard."

At the end Sören had Dooku's leg propped up on his shoulder and was nailing him so hard the bed rocked against the wall. His hand stroked Dooku's cock in the same rhythm as his thrusts, and Dooku grabbed the headboard, white-knuckled; the piercing in Sören's cock rubbing on his prostate was so good it was almost unbearable. He couldn't even speak now, just make incoherent noises.

"That's right," Sören growled. "This is mine. You're mine..."

Dooku came hard, shooting all over Sören, and Sören screamed as his own climax hit; the sight of Sören throwing back his head and crying out, the feel of his cum shooting into him made Dooku cry out again, letting out another blast of cum over Sören's chest.

Sören collapsed onto him and they kissed, and then Dooku wiped some of the cum from Sören's body onto his fingers and stuck them in Sören's mouth. "Mmmmmmmm." Sören licked and sucked them clean; watching Sören lick and suck his fingers made Dooku harden again.

"Oh my, what do we have here?" Sören ran a teasing finger down the length of Dooku's cock, and then back up, rubbing the slit.

Dooku's response was to growl and nip Sören's neck as he moved his hips so Sören slipped out of him, and then he grabbed Sören, maneuvered Sören onto all fours, and used the Force to lube Sören's ass and his cock. Dooku kissed Sören's neck and nape, and took the part where the neck met the shoulder between his teeth as he pushed into Sören.

"Oh, fuck, yes," Sören panted.

Dooku fucked him hard at first, but towards the end, just before they could both come, he slowed down, teasing them both. And then his arms wrapped around Sören from behind and he nuzzled Sören's neck, kissed it, tilted Sören's face so they could kiss. His arms tightened around Sören and he whispered, "I will never let you go." He nipped Sören's lower lip hard enough to draw blood and tasted it, and rasped, "You're mine."

There was that look of shock on Sören's face as his orgasm overtook him, which gave way to a look of pure joy as he cried out, "Nico, Nico, yes... yes, Nico..."

"Oh, fuck." The feeling of Sören trembling and pulsing around him set off Dooku's orgasm - he'd wanted to keep it going, but it was too much. Too good. He shuddered as he spent into Sören again and again. "I love you. Oh, Sören, I love you. I love you."

They collapsed onto the bed together, and Dooku buried his face into Sören's curls, breathing his scent, his entire body melting. It was awhile before they came to, sitting up to have some water, which turned into feeding each other snacks they'd taken home from the wedding reception, naked in bed.

Then they just held each other. After a time, Sören put his hand on Dooku's heart, and then Dooku also put his hand on Sören's heart. They were wearing matching wedding bands now, simple white gold rings, and Sören took Dooku's hand to kiss the ring before placing it back on his heart.

"My husband." Sören stroked Dooku's face and whiskers with his free hand.

Dooku gave a little groan. "I don't know why you calling me that gets me going, but it does." He groaned again. "I wish I weren't so spent, or I'd..."

Sören laughed. "It's all right. We have all night." Sören kissed the tip of his nose and husked, "We have the rest of our lives."

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