Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time: Chapter 28

Dooku doubled over, almost dropping from the blow to his gut. He leaned against the siding to catch his breath, and then he looked at Frankie, still glaring at him, and he started to cry.

"I deserved that," he choked out.

Frankie took a deep breath, rolled her eyes, and then grabbed the hem of Dooku's shirt and started dragging him into her flat. She slammed the door behind her.

"Sit down," she barked. Dooku sat on the couch. He watched Frankie disappear into the kitchen, heard the freezer open, and then she came back with ice cubes wrapped in a washcloth. Dooku accepted it and put the bundle under his shirt, holding it against where she'd hit him.

"I'm here to see Sören," Dooku said through his tears. "Obviously."

"Yeh, well, he ain't here."

Dooku frowned - it was late, and since the coffee shop was closed that meant what, he was out at a bar or club? Picking up men, perhaps? "Can I wait here until he gets back?"

Frankie snorted. "Uh, you don't know, do you?"

Dooku inhaled sharply. "Know what?"

"Oh my god, you really don't fuckin' know, do you?" Frankie flomped down on a beanbag chair across from him and put her hands between her knees. "He went back to Iceland."

Dooku's jaw dropped. "He... did?" His mouth went suddenly dry. "How long ago was this?"

"About two weeks after your breakup. He wasn't sleeping well, he was barely eating, he was crying a lot, in bed a lot just crying. It scared me. I talked to Margrét about it and she told me to put him on a plane and she'd pay for it. So he's been gone since the end of February, beginning of March."

That explained why Sören's cell number was no longer in service, obviously he would not be using a British cell number in Iceland. "Do you... still keep in touch with him?"

"Yeh, I do. We talk mostly via e-mail and Skype now, since international calls get expensive."

"How is he doing?"

"The fuck do you care?"

"You know, you're the second person to say that - the first being his brother - and I do care. I care more than you know."

Frankie shrugged. "Eh. He's not as bad as he was when he left, he was a complete fucking wreck. But he still seems kinda depressed. Of course, he's always been kinda depressed."

Dooku sighed. "I made a terrible mistake, Frankie."

"You sure fuckin' did. You broke his heart."

"I did it because I thought I had to."

"What?" Frankie gave him a confused look. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that sometimes we think what we're doing is in a person's best interests but it's really not at all." Dooku frowned. "So... how have you been holding up?"

"Meh. I miss my best friend a lot, obviously."

"I imagine." Dooku nodded. "What about Margrét? The two of you seemed to really hit it off, are you still keeping in touch with her?"

Frankie snorted. "I wish."

"Oh dear." Dooku chuckled. "Sounds like there's a story to tell."

"Yeh, there is." Frankie got up. "Uhhh... I should be a proper host or somethin'... you want tea?"

"Yes, please."

A few minutes later Frankie came back with a mug that had a bag of Lipton tea floating in it. Dooku bitchfaced at it - feeling somewhat bad because he was a guest and this was clearly what she had and he shouldn't be judging her, but it was force of habit.

"I didn't know how you take your tea so I did it like I do mine with two sugars."

"That's fine, thank you." Dooku waited for his tea to steep and be a drinkable temperature.

Frankie sat back down.

"So tell me what happened with Margrét."

Frankie sighed. "OK, well... in March, Margrét came to London for a few days, like she promised, but she was also here for that lawsuit she had with Kylo Ren."

Dooku nodded. "I heard about that on the news."

"Did you also hear he stabbed his own da?" Frankie raised her eyebrows.

"I did. I've been helping Leja cope with it."

"Yeh, that's fucked up. For all the abuse my mum put me through, I never once have thought of stabbing her. What the actual fuck."


Frankie went on, "Anyway. Margrét was really stressed out from having to go to court and all, and one night I was cuddling with her to make her feel better. And that turned into making out, because we both like each other, and of course we got horny and then she was gonna turn the lights on so we could do it and I asked her if she could please keep the lights off. And then she got mad. Because she just assumed I asked that because I was weirded out by her having, you know." Frankie cleared her throat. "Her original plumbing."

Dooku nodded.

"And it wasn't that at all. It's because I'm fat, and I get nervous about a girl seeing my body and getting turned off. But I couldn't explain that to her. She just got really upset and she took off and wouldn't take my calls, wouldn't answer my e-mails, anything. I asked Sören to try to explain shit to her but he can't even mention me to her without her gettin' upset."

"That's quite a misunderstanding."

"Yeh, it sucks." Frankie frowned, blinking back tears. "I still miss her a lot. I really, really liked her. I..."

"You fell in love with her."

Frankie nodded and started sobbing.

Dooku used the Force to pass her a box of tissues, and she accepted. "It seems we have quite a mess on our hands," Dooku said.

"A mess makes it sound like it can be cleaned up," Frankie said.

"We can try."


Dooku couldn't believe what he was about to do, the most impulsive thing he'd ever done in his life. "You have Internet here, yes?"

"Obviously. I got a laptop in my room."

"May I borrow it?"

"What for?" Frankie glared. "You ain't gonna try to use my Skype account to talk to Sören, are ya? He'll bloody kill me -"

"No, nothing that simple." Dooku chuckled.

Dooku began to work on his tea as Frankie went into her bedroom to retrieve her laptop. She used the Force to pass it over to Dooku. Dooku ran an Internet search for flights to Reykjavik and airfare. Then he said to Frankie, "I need you to do me two favors."

"All right, what?"

"The first is to call your aunt and tell her you'll be needing a few days off."

"What for? I... can't afford to take time off..."

"I'll make sure that you're compensated somehow."

Frankie looked at the clock. "You want me to call her now? At this hour."

"I suppose you could wait until tomorrow, but don't put it off too late, please."

Frankie cringed. "OK, and... what's the other favor."

"What's your legal name?"

Frankie gave him a suspicious look. "...Why."

"Because I need to give your legal name to reserve an airline ticket for you."

"You... what."

Dooku nodded. He showed Frankie the screen he was on. "I'm buying one one-way ticket to Reykjavik and one round-trip ticket. The round-trip ticket is yours, the one-way is mine so I can return at my leisure."

"You mad lad."

Dooku chuckled. Then he said in a more firm tone, "Legal name, please."

"Mary Frances O'Riordan."

Dooku almost spat his tea at that - it was the most unlikely name for the young woman to have, and he now understood where "Frankie" came from. Dooku typed in the information for their tickets, and his credit card information. Then he said to Frankie, "Do you have a barcode scanner on your phone? I have an older flip phone."

"I do, and why do you have a flip phone in 2018?"

Dooku rolled his eyes. "I can't keep up with all this newfangled technology. It's enough that I even know how to use the Internet."

Frankie came over and used her phone to scan the barcodes for their boarding passes. Then she sat back down and asked, "When is our flight leaving?"

"Four PM, which means we'll be arriving in Reykjavik at seven PM our time, six PM local time." Dooku pursed his lips. "Is Sören in Reykjavik?"

"No. He was the first month or so when he went back, he was staying with Margrét, but he's in his hometown now. Aku-rara, or whatever the fuck it's called."

Dooku cringed. "Akureyri."

"Right. That."

Dooku nodded; somehow that information didn't surprise him.

Dooku booked a second flight, from Reykjavik to Akureyri, scheduled for two hours after his arrival, so he'd only have forty-five minutes travel time instead of a five-hour drive. He once again used Frankie's phone to scan the barcode for his boarding pass.

"All right," Dooku said. "We have seats next to each other on the plane going there, and I got you a window seat for the return trip, which you'll be taking in five days. I'll be by tomorrow at one-thirty to pick you up, I like to be a bit early to make sure we clear security checkpoints in case of a long line, and Reykjavik is a popular tourist destination in summer, we were the last two passengers to fill that particular flight."

Dooku finished his tea and got up. Frankie saw him to the door and gave him a quick hug. "Thank you," she said. "This means a lot. I'm sorry I punched you."

"I know." Dooku affectionately patted her mohawk. "As I said, though, I deserved it. Not just for what I put Sören through, but what you've been through, missing him."

"I miss him a lot," Frankie said. "I'll have to find a way to get up to Aku-rey-ri to see him."

Dooku nodded. "I'm sure I can help you work something out if need be." Then Dooku put a hand on her shoulder and said, "One final favor. Do not tell him we're coming."

"You're just gonna stealth bomb him, huh?"

"Something like that." Dooku was afraid of being pre-emptively rejected. He knew he couldn't assume Sören was still single and would even want him back if so, but he also felt that if he had any chance at all, it would be better delivered in person, when they could feel each other more strongly in the Force and re-spark that Force bond. "Good night."

Dooku did not go straight home, but made two detours. The first was to a locksmith in a seedy part of the East End who happened to be open 24 hours. He made a copy of his apartment key. The next stop was to Qui and Obi's house, unannounced.

Obi answered the door in a blue robe over tighty-whities, looking disheveled and disgruntled. "You couldn't have called first, mate?" Obi asked.

"Consider this returning the favor when you both dropped by my home unannounced some months prior," Dooku said.

Obi gestured for Dooku to come in. Qui, not realizing there was an arrival, strode out of the hall bathroom completely naked, and Dooku gasped and covered his eyes.

"Oh GODDAMMIT," Qui yelled from down the hall. "WHAT THE FUCK."

Dooku spluttered and made noises; it was the last thing he wanted to see.

A few moments later Qui came back in a tie-dye T-shirt and boxer shorts. It still wasn't much better, but at least he wasn't stark naked. "Normally I'd be happy to see you," Qui said, "but seriously, why are you here unannounced at this hour?" Then Qui's face fell. "Did something happen to Leja...?"

"No, not that." Dooku shook his head.

"Thank the Force."

Dooku held out the copy of his apartment key. Qui and Obi both gave him puzzled looks. Dooku explained, "I'm going away for a few days and I'm giving this to you in case anything comes up."

Qui raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?"


Qui gave a small, knowing smile. "I see."

"Yes." Dooku cleared his throat. "I need to have a talk with someone and it's best done in person."

Qui took the key from Dooku. "I'd wish you good luck with that, but I don't believe in luck." He folded his hands and gave a small bow. "May the Force be with you."



When Dooku and Frankie arrived in Reykjavik, Dooku's first order of business was to rent a car for 3 hours. He brought Frankie to the hostel where she'd be staying at his expense, and once her information was recorded and her belongings dropped off in her room, they went back out to the rental car. Dooku drove through the city until they came to the bar Margrét owned.

Dooku and Frankie looked at each other for a minute, and Frankie took a few deep breaths to steel herself. Then they nodded and got out of the car in unison.

They walked into the bar slowly, hesitantly. It was pretty packed, but it wasn't hard to pick out Margrét in the crowd, who was working as one of the bartenders that night. As soon as Margrét's eyes locked with Frankie's, she froze, and Frankie charged forward. Margrét walked out of the bartender's area, and Frankie made a vee to intercept her before she could take too many steps away from it, such as going off to her office in back. Once she was directly in Margrét's path, they just stood there, and then Dooku watched as Frankie threw her arms around Margrét and got on tiptoe, pulling Margrét's face down to give her a passionate, hungry kiss right there in front of everyone.

Margrét's eyes widened from shock, but then Dooku smiled as Margrét put her arms around Frankie and kissed her back, hard.

"I can't believe you're here," Margrét said. "How...?"

"Long story. I'll explain to you later. But first." Frankie scowled. "I tried to explain this to you when shit went down and you were havin' none of it. I didn't ask for the lights off because of you being... you." She swallowed hard; Dooku could tell she was about to cry. "I thought you'd be repulsed by seein' me naked..."

Margrét's mouth opened. "Oh, no. You couldn't tell how horny I was for you? How sexy I found you, with all your curves?" Her voice dropped. "And still think you're sexy?"

Frankie's response was to kiss Margrét again. "I love you."

Margrét kissed Frankie back. "I love you too."

Before they could make too much of a scene, Margrét began to march them in the direction of the back of the bar, where her office was located, the two kissing all the way. Dooku laughed to himself, pleased.

Despite his discomfort with the crowd, his nerves were on edge enough from the travel and the impending encounter with Sören that Dooku needed a shot of courage. Just one - he didn't want to be too drunk to drive. He decided against Brennivín, and went with an Egils Gold Beer, recalling the night he drank beer with Sören in the Nature Baths at Lake Mývatn under the northern lights.

After he had his beer, Dooku decided to make his way to Margrét's back office, both to ask Frankie if she needed anything before he departed, and to ask Margrét not to let Sören know he was in Iceland and explain his reasoning if need be. The door was open a crack and Dooku poked his head in.

Margrét was sitting on a chair and Frankie was riding her. Both women were naked, facing each other, arms around each other, kissing deeply. The obscene wet suctioning sound and slap of their flesh filled the room, punctuated by moans from both of them. Margrét and Frankie took a minute to look into each other's eyes between kisses, and Margrét ran her hands over Frankie's chubby belly, thighs, and thick ass. "So hot," Margrét said, just before she slapped Frankie's ass, making the younger woman cry out.

"Mmmmm, so are you." Frankie leaned in and drew Margrét's breast into her mouth, sucking hard. "Fuck, I love your tits." She shuddered, teasing the nipple she'd just sucked with her thumb, rubbing in circles. "You feel so good inside me."

"Your pussy is so wet," Margrét purred. "I've never felt anyone so wet before."

"I'm wet for you," Frankie whispered. "I've wanted this for so long."

They kissed and rubbed their tongues together open-mouthed, their nipples rubbing together as well, and Margrét slapped Frankie's ass again. Dooku looked away - he was surprised he'd watched for even that long, and his face burned as he walked off. He'd learned that women didn't normally arouse him, and he wouldn't quite call his reaction arousal - indeed it felt a little awkward since Margrét had been practically his sister-in-law - but there was something about seeing two people who were really into each other making passionate love that was just hot regardless of their gender and the observer's preference. It reminded him of all the times he and Sören made love - especially when Sören rode his cock, which was undoubtedly his favorite position. And it made him ache to see Sören again.

Dooku drove back to the airport, returned the rental car, and waited to board his flight to Akureyri. On the way there he looked out the window, enjoying the view. Even though it was nighttime, the sun was still out - lower in the sky than it had been in the afternoon, but bright enough to be considered daylight. It was mid-May. Dooku had never seen the midnight sun before, and he wondered if he'd actually be able to sleep between the light and his nerves.

Dooku's first action in Akureyri was to get another rental car, and then he checked into the Hotel Akureyri. Then, he got in his car and drove to Svalbarðseyri, using the car's GPS device. When he approached the road where Ari's cabin was located, he slowed down. He saw a black jeep parked outside the cabin - Dooku remembered that Ari had a silver jeep, not a black one. This black jeep also had a rainbow flag bumper sticker.

Dooku slowly drove past the cabin, heart racing. He caught a glimpse of a medium-haired black-and-white tuxedo cat in the window - not Ari's cat, Ari had a Norwegian Forest Cat. The different jeep and different cat confirmed to Dooku what he already suspected, that Sören was living in the cabin rather than renting a flat in Akureyri. But he didn't know that for sure. There was one way to find out, but he wasn't ready for that just yet.

He turned his car around and did a second drive past the cabin, hoping Sören wouldn't take that moment to peek out the window or step outside and see him when he wasn't ready yet. His heart continued to race as he exited the road - he felt a bit creepy for what he'd just done, and a continued sense of creepiness for what he was about to do.

When Dooku got back to the hotel and ordered something to eat, he took out his laptop and did a Google search for Sören Sigurdsson. Some of the past zine interviews Sören had once mentioned came up, but also on the first page there was a Logifugl Listaskóli website. Dooku clicked the URL and was presented with information about a small art school in Iceland that offered classes for adults and children, at different times throughout the week.

Dooku remembered what Sören had said once, when they were still getting to know each other, before they were officially involved.

I always wanted to teach art classes. Just like it had been a dream of Leja's to open a gallery and give exposure to artists, it's my dream to eventually own an art studio. Have classes... help people get in touch with their creative side. It's a lie that only artists make art, only writers write, only poets make poetry. Everyone can be creative, it doesn't need to be a full-time calling. It only is for some, and it's not a life I recommend.

He was doing this now. Dooku felt a surge of pride that Sören had not just realized his dream, but was doing it after walking so close to the edge months prior. He truly was the phoenix, rising from the ashes, flying to the sun.

Dooku needed to draw the curtains and blinds in his room to sleep, which he disliked doing because his room had a view of the sea. But he was exhausted from his flight and the driving around and the tension. Even when he climbed into bed, he couldn't fall asleep right away, nervous about seeing Sören again tomorrow.

What will be will be. If nothing else, I need to do this for closure's sake.

It was with that determination, Dooku willed himself to get some proper rest.




Sören's schedule at Logifugl Listaskóli varied by day - some days he had more classes than others, some days he worked later than others. Today, his last class started at three-thirty PM and ended at five PM; it was one of his children's classes, for kids age 8-11.

Dooku followed the GPS directions to get from Hotel Akureyri to Logifugl Listaskóli - it was a short drive. He arrived ten minutes before the class was over, as he was anticipating crowded parking in the small parking lot with parents coming to pick up their children, and that assumption was correct, with one stall available that he slid his rental car into. Dooku also recognized the black jeep with the rainbow flag bumper sticker that had been parked outside the cabin.

The building was a converted office. There were already some parents waiting outside, and a few seated in the hall. Dooku made his way down towards the classroom, where a couple of parents were waiting more closely to the door.

He laid eyes on Sören for the first time in months. He was wearing a black Joy Division T-shirt and faded skinny jeans, his usual Doc Martens, and had his dark curls up in a "man bun". A group of about two dozen children were painting ceramic pots, and he was going around the room, complimenting and encouraging them. He looked happy, and despite the ache Dooku felt at seeing Sören, he couldn't help smiling. The warm, friendly helpfulness that would have made Sören a good doctor if he hadn't had a nervous breakdown during his internship came shining through in Sören the art teacher - it was a natural fit for him.

The clock struck five. "Allt í lagi, bekknum er lokið," Sören said. "Ég mun sjá þig í næstu viku og við getum klárað þessar pottar. Í tvær vikur getum við plantað hluti í þeim!"

Some of the kids cheered. Sören smiled - that radiant smile that took Dooku's breath away. "Þú ert allt að gera svo gott starf," Sören said. "Ég er stolt af ykkur öllum."

Kids began to pour out of the classroom, and Sören started cleaning up the tables, putting projects and art supplies away. Eventually enough of the kids were gone that it was just Dooku in the hall, and the last two ran out after saying goodbye to Sören. They also waved to Dooku, even though they didn't know him.

Sören started humming to himself as he continued to clean up, and Dooku chose that moment to unmask his Force signature and give a small knock on the open door of the classroom, clearing his throat.

Sören looked up, and dropped a plastic jar of paintbrushes on the floor in shock, with brushes spilling everywhere.

"Hello, Sören." Dooku gave a small smile.

Sören froze, still in shock, and then he stooped down to gather the paintbrushes and put them back in the jar. When he'd put the jar on a supply cart, his attention returned to Dooku. His dark eyes flashed and his nostrils flared.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Sören asked.

chapter 29 | return to Northern Lights | return to Other Tolkien Fic | return to index